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Some weird Vodkas...


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Was talking to someone the other day and they said they had made 'Rhubard & Custard Vodka' with the sweets of that name. They also made (unsalted) peanut vodka which they said tasted like 'alcoholic peanut butter.'


I quite like the sound of the rhubarb and custard one but I'm not sure I like the sound of the alcoholic peanut butter!

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We used to have a tequila and flavoured vodka bar at club I worked at. Me and asst manager uses to make vodkas during day. Recipes I remember include


Dime bar

Milky bar

Cherry drops

Pear drops

Mars bar (took ages!!)

Mint Aero


Fruit pastiles (each flavour)

There was loads more but can't remember em all. We used to crush up as small as possible whatever we were putting in, leave it to stand for couple of weeks shaking the bottle every few days.


Was awesome stuff couldn't make enough of it. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple of others to try, jelly bean vodka just put jelly beans into a bottle of cheapish vodka and shake regularly till they have all dissolved. Rhubarb vodka, cut two sticks of rhubarb put into a 1.5 litre bottle with 250 gms of sugar add vodka, shake daily till sugar has dissolved leave in cool place for 6 weeks then decant back into bottle leave for a few more weeks if possible. Enjoy :/:/:/

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I made some marshmallow vodka last night I am now shaking it every time I go into the utility room trying to get the marshmallow pieces to dissolve. Mentioned it at my local last night and it now looks as if there is a party in the planning with different people all wanting to bring their various concoctions. I must make sure I have plenty of hangover remedy for the morning. :beer::beer::beer:

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If you want to speed up the disolving process, seal the bottle and put it in the dish washer on a hot cycle


Open up the dish washer mid way through, give the (hot) bottle a shake and put it back in to complete the cycle.


Jelly baby vodka worked like this after 1 wash



Although I haven't tried it, i'm told the same works for any sugary additive - and I'm sure it would help the flavours infuse for whatever you add.

Edited by n0vice
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