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hmr amo question


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hello all i have a question i have been out with the hmr useing blue tips and when i fired i herd a little puff and found the tip stuck in barrel had to use a barrel cleaning rod to remove it went out again had bunny bang in sight 85 yards missed and again and again did not even see a puff around where i was aiming another bunny same as before bang on do you think it could be the amo or has anybody had the same ? thanks

ps i normaly hit what i shoot at gun is cz452 style 16 inch

thanks chris

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I'm struggling to see how the blue tip managed to stay in the barrel, but the remainder of the bullet got past it...


Could you elaborate a little...


Did you mean that the entire bullet needed extracting? If so, you've experienced a squib load - a round which doesn't contain enough powder to propel the bullet out of the barrel.


If that's the case, I'd not touch that batch and take it back to the manufacturer.

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I'm not sure if it is related but you might like to have a look at this thread:


I was in a gun shop yesterday and was talking about this and they suggested that we should keep all ammunition that is like this and contact the manufacturer with a complaint as it seems to be a bit more common than was originally suspected.

Did the case(s) that failed to fire have any cracks or fractures down the neck? If so check for these "fractures in the necks" in the rest of the batch of ammunition?

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thanks i will check for any cracks my 22lr amo has never had any problems i have one box left to try and will be buying some more in the week there all kept in safe but may have got cold ?thanks to the man above for the link i now see its a small problem a few others have had puts my mind at rest a little now

Edited by cribmaster
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The same happened to me with blue tips,pulled trigger nothing re-cycled another round but luckily for me it would not enter the breech.I then found spent case with a good strike and powder in the case,aimed lamp down barrel to find blockage.....here endeth night's lamping!I have also recently found shot cases with splits in the collar but that's another tale on the stalking directory.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not sure if it is related but you might like to have a look at this thread:


I was in a gun shop yesterday and was talking about this and they suggested that we should keep all ammunition that is like this and contact the manufacturer with a complaint as it seems to be a bit more common than was originally suspected.

Did the case(s) that failed to fire have any cracks or fractures down the neck? If so check for these "fractures in the necks" in the rest of the batch of ammunition?


I sent Hornady a email years ago,









im still waiting, had this happen to me on a shoot one night with a mate, fut, opened the bolt found that all that went off was the primer in the rim of the case, the head was about 3" up the barrel,


not happy,


so i removed the head of another round and used it to get the head out of the barrel (not advised if you have any sense, ) i'm dense but i know my way around bullets and rifles,


it worked, bored the barrel checked for damage...nil


carried on shooting


no bother.


so don't expect a reply from them or Edgar brothers.



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