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Fireworks and Lamping

Wharf Rat

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I know that it was a bit light tonight in any case; but did anyone have any luck lamping? Bunnies near here were out and away from the hedges a decentish way, but skittish as hell and didn't re-surface for ages if disturbed. Anyone manage to use the bangs as cover, or did the nightlife stay low?


Just curious!

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I went out yesterday evening to kill and dress some cockerels for a farmer/friend of mine. After I had finished I had a "Quich shine" around the surrounding fields. Even though you could hear the fireworks quite loudly there were a few raabbits out feding as normal and a fox decided to "amble" across along the side of a hedge,as if he didn't have a care in the world! You can guess where I am going with my .243 next time i am out lamping


I should add that I only had the lamp and not a rifle with me yesterday evening as I didn't expect to see anything much about!

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I was on a Pheasant shoot yesterday and wrecked when I got home, which was just in time for the neighbours to let off and International Level Firework display and nearly set half the houses and cars on fire in my close.


My neighbour opposite was out watching just in time to see a Parachute display land on their Merc roof still shooting sparks everywhere.


Been a massive clear up this morning with these parachute things (Red canopy) on my conservatory, porch roof, etc etc and and then burnt plastic tubes and exploded cardboard debris everywhere! The cars outside are covered with what looks like assorted powder residue from the skybound explosions!


**** the wildlife, I was scared! :yes::lol::good:

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i had to put on 2 200 bird days last week, one monday one friday, sunday night we had a display 10 yards from one of our best drives and thursday night one about 100 yards from 3 drives we needed for friday, birds were off roost before dawn and running both days, i hate fireworks

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