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Electrical storms.


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We had a very violent, hour long, electrical storm on Sunday evening and have just had one from 1.15 to 2pm today.

Both were right overhead, with thunder 2 seconds behind the lightning and lots of lightning


My first reaction is always to turn off the TV and unplug it.


I don't turn off and unplug any other electrical gadgets, including my PC, should I ?

Is unplugging the TV necessary ?

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I always do the same, however i un plug the computer too just incase, TV is likely to get zapped via the aerial so take that one out, most people have got some sort of circuit breaker connected to the mains anyhow to protect the PC,,Too be honest i'm not really sure...'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing'...better safe than sorry.. :good:

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We had a collossal thunderstorm in our street 10 days ago. It took out our digibox and broadband modem. The broadband modem went via the telephone line and the digibox I think through the aerial cable. Neighbours lost their electrical supplies temporarily, their tellies, and computers as well, so we got off lightly. I will be routing the modem through surge protection this time around.

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My advice would be to unplug what you can.

We have surge protection on the CCTV's at work, but even they get "fried" every now and then?

It will take minutes to go round the house unplugging stuff but hours /days/ weeks trying to sort out your

House and contents policy ,as was said "better safe than sorry"

cheers Sutty :good:

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