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Is anyone about to enroll on DSC1


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this might sound a nieve question , but what benefits does a dsc1 give you ?


is it for stalking on estate land ?



Apart from all the info you learn and the ability to have trained hunter status it gives you nothing else. Alot of people just do it to get the deer condition on their fac as some countys now insist on it. It has nothing to do with stalking on eastate land

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Many commercial forestry etc won't let a stalker out alone without a level 1 cert and you will stuggle to get stalking leases without a level 2. Again not all land just a lot of it




I think you will find in a few years that most of them will go down that road.

Edited by Blunderbust
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Quite strict criteria for the grant.

You have to live "close" to Ludlow and gain over 50% of your annual income from working on/off the land!

Thanks for that, I wasnt sure what the criteria was for the funding or were it came from, you would think if it was available near Ludlow then others could offer it.The main reason for the funding is to encourage people to do the course, there are many that disagree with the DMQ's and think its another way of screwing money out of shooting sports. The lions share of the money goes to BDS or BASC depending on which course you go with, believe me you won't get rich holding the courses.

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