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Roaring Emma


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Have just been informed that Roaring Emma has been sold to a memeber of the Hull and East Riding Wildfowlers Association.If this is true then I hope its new owner and club members enjoy it immensely,and that JH is as content as he can be with the result,in his present circumstances.Guns such as these were meant to be used.

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'Roaring Emma' is a big double eight bore wildfowling gun. She was owned by a chap named James Wentworth-Day who mentions this gun in a classic wildfowling book he wrote. The gun subsequently ended up in the USA, where many of our old big bores go even though they cannot be used, and was eventually bought and brought back to the UK by John Humphreys. Due to his ill health he decided to sell the gun but did not want it to go back to the USA or to sit unused in someones collection. By selling the gun to HERWA he has ensured it remains in this country and that it will continue to be used for wildfowling.

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What with him being such an amabasador for shooting, you would like to think he would have just donated it, rather than selling it.


As much as he is a ambassador for shooting he is also a husband and father who is termally ill , I guess his first thought as most people in this situation is for the welfare of the family he will be leaving behind ,I would have thought he has given enough to shooting over the years without the need to donate part of his familys inheritance, fair play I say to him for getting his priorities right.

Edited by fenboy
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What with him being such an amabasador for shooting, you would like to think he would have just donated it, rather than selling it.


He's terminally ill and trying to put his affairs in order. This includes I suspect trying to leave his family a few quid. Why should he give it away rather than leaving the money to his estate for the benefit of his wife and kids? I don't think he's particularly wealthy.

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He's terminally ill and trying to put his affairs in order. This includes I suspect trying to leave his family a few quid. Why should he give it away rather than leaving the money to his estate for the benefit of his wife and kids? I don't think he's particularly wealthy.


Good call.

Anyone know what BASC will do with the money they collected to buy it?

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