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Out with the dog


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Hope everybody has had a good Christmas and New Year


I have been out with the dogs quite alot over the last few weeks.


This is Pebbles out on a 65 bird day. We were beating the last drive of the day in a valley, with a walking gun up top. As we got to the end, the last flurry of birds go over the guns, Pebbles came back to me, sat looking at me and looking back into the wood, as if she is trying tell somthing. I sent her off and she was gone for what seemed like an age and then in she comes with the large cock bird (very pleased!!)




This is a hen bird that we christened my christmas pressie from the wife with - we only left the shop an hour ago.



A nice walk around the farm, first hen bird bumped off her nose, she sat right away, I let it get up as it dived left, I sent 32g of shot at it. Down she went, Pebbles looks at me to say "can I?" - yes you can - she had marked it well and straight back with a nice delivery.



As we walked back along the hedge to the farm, she put up a second bird sat on the flush. The bird swang right over the hedge, I shot at it, as it fell I saw a pigeon fly right, so that got it as well. Pebbles looked at me "what would you like me fetch first sir?" pheasant please - and then the pigeon, which she did.



Pebbles and Dino out on a 100 bird day boy did they sleep that night



Then today went out for an hour with 'Team ginger', managed to bag 2 tree rats with the daughters 20 bore - Dino picked both.



Cheers Paddy

Edited by paddypower999
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