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Cartridge Belt

Shooting Tom

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What are you going to use it for.

Clays ?

Rough ?

Pigeon ?

Game ?

What gun are you using with it ?


Only cartridge belts are not good for game shooting.

Clay shooting.

Pigeon shooting from a hide.

They are ok for a rabbit or two.

In general it takes far too long to get the cartridge out of a belt and by then the target/bird has gone. Better to have them loose in a big pocket.

But the main problem is that they will ruin the stock on your gun because the cartridge tops rub against the stock when carrying the gun.

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What are you going to use it for.

Clays ?

Rough ?

Pigeon ?

Game ?

What gun are you using with it ?


Only cartridge belts are not good for game shooting.

Clay shooting.

Pigeon shooting from a hide.

They are ok for a rabbit or two.

In general it takes far too long to get the cartridge out of a belt and by then the target/bird has gone. Better to have them loose in a big pocket.

But the main problem is that they will ruin the stock on your gun because the cartridge tops rub against the stock when carrying the gun.


Yeah i know its for someone else... :good:

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looking for a 12g belt, which holds 30 cartridges, no more than £50.




Contact handlebar he has a 12g Deerhunter cartridge belt (25 cartridges only) used as a plaything for his son "handlebar2" green canvas £15.00, or swop for 20g 21g cartridges, based at Flitwick Bedfordshire

Edited by bakerboy
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