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If you shooting airrifle. Find out where Magpies are at first light.Make some sort of hide ready get a rabbit half gut it leave guts hanging out,if you have a magpie and a crow deek put by it.Just sit tight and wait if you've got magpie caller even better.Small pellet tin with few pellets will do just rattle it.Magpies like their own territory so a new noise will bring them in.Hope you get lucky. :good:

As others have said if you dont want to shoot them

Edited by eccles
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shooting magpies around farm buildings is not as difficult as you might think. the trick is get hidden well back inside a building. too many shooters give the game away by standing just inside a door/window, the magpies easily clock you, and are then credited with having more superpowers than they already have.

imitating the magpie call with pellets in a tub/box of matches can work, but i never use it as i find they spot much less movement than it takes to shake them.

you may laugh at this, but frozen oven chips scattered around the farmyard is one of the best things to "bait" them with. dont worry if they nick the chips and you dont get a shot, as they'll keep coming back for a look long after the chips have gone, and they'll present a steadier shot when perched on the roof of a building looking for chips, than when they're flying in and grabbing them. i use headshots only for this type of shooting as you want them to drop where you shoot them so that other magpies are drawn to them, as the best thing to "bait" magpies with is a dead un.

i've shot 157 at my best magpie farmyard shoot in the last 4 years (4 times as many as the farmer has got in his larsen)

however, should you decide to set up shop out in the fields and hedgerows, you'll be in the magpies backyard, and you'll be runner-up most of the time :lol:

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if you want to just kill them the larson trap is the best advice given.


if you want some sport get hold of an owl decoy(yes you can get them)


and a magpie decoy.


put them together and hide up.


magpies hate owls and will mob it.


i worn you magpies dont miss much,so hide well.

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an old feller told me years ago a magpie, can be called by shaking a box of matches, anyone ever tried it.


Yep,the box of matches will work. :good:


Yes and yes it works. BUT I belive it is illegal to call them to be shot.


It's only illegal to call them in to a gun with an electronic type call or sound recording.

Edited by the enigma
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an old feller told me years ago a magpie, can be called by shaking a box of matches, anyone ever tried it.


I use a couple of pellets in an old 35mm film pot, works good with a couple of decoys attacking a false nest with an egg in it or use a bit of road kill instead. I don't shoot a lot of mags when I am out though, they are very wary. As I have a lot of blackbird, sparrow and greenfinch nesting in the trees of my garden I tend to shoot more magpies there, squirrels too as they will go for eggs and chicks.

They are a horrible problem these days, so I wish you good luck.

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