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28 or 30 inch


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Put it this way, i use a 26" O/U with 1/4 & 1/4 chokes and ive folded some very high birds.


Its more important to find a cart that patterns well with your chosen gun :good:


If i had to buy again though i would go with 30" all day long, for all round versatility

Edited by M.I.A
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Shootof at high stuff go for the choke, that's what will kill them CONSISTENTLY. You can bring the odd long shot down with any old choke but to do it with any repeatability you need the pattern to hang together when it's out there. Length of barrel is personal and has no effect on range.




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30 is the all rounder but 28 makes for a handy quick gun , I have not owned a 32 but using them they are even smoother for say clays or high pheasant , I sold my 28 beretta 686 special for a browning 425 30 , but really i just want both, As some say get a gun that fits and you like the feel of and dont worry about the length!!!

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28 inch barrels 1/4 and 1/2 choke or 30 inch 1/2 and full would there be much in it in folding them high pigeons up



30 or 32 inch barrels are better but get a gun that you feel comfortable with preferebly a multi choke that way the more experience you get shooting it the tighter chokes you can put in the ideal chokes to start with would be 1/4 & 1/2 that way the moore confident you get you can tighten up on your chokes.I shoot a miroku 3800 grd3 32 inch 3/4 & full at everything but that has come with years of experience.

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