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Unpleasant experience whilst rabbiting


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There used to be a time when you only shot/ate rabbit when there was an 'R' in the month

but that doesn't mean anything these days since they seem to breed almost all year round.

I had one milky and one pregnant last week. I was more concerned about the milky one though

as the idea of youngsters starving to death bothers me. Luckily it was well into its lactation so,

hopefully, they were old enough to survive.


It looks like the only way to avoid all this would be to stop killing rabbits which is not really an

option I think.





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fallow does have developing fawns in them this time of year like the one I grallocked on Sunday. Not nice but its just the way it is, though I stop shooting does as per the old season at the end of Feb. I get a bit sentimental often when I shoot living prey but soon brush it off and carry on otherwise the guns would be on Guntrader.

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I also find it tugs my heart strings with well developed foetus whether deer or rabbit....


As others have said it shows your human...one odd thing I feel is since having kids myself I think it crosses my mind more...


The amount of roe bucks vs doe's shows that I subconsciencly must change habit between seasons.




Edited by gixer1
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you could just do like a mate of ours does, shoot for crop protection and leave where they fell for the fox.


BB, the problem you have with rabbits is that they bread all year round so you will get them from time to time. i dont worry about it anymore as the way i see it is that you have taken 4-5 rabbits out in one go. the one that always gets me is milky doe's i do switch off but i cant help thinking about the possibility of dependence left in the next somewhere. im the same with pigeons as well but i think its because i care and think about what i shoot and not just a brain dead killer with no heart that kills without thought.

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