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Series 3 Wont Start


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Check the fuel filter, work your way down the fuel line and loosen off a connection at every point so you can see diesel coming out and just nip it back up. So first on inlet of the fuel pump loosen right off should have diesel coming out, then loosen off each the injector pipes and prime with the lever on the side of pump (if it has one) fuel should then start coming out of each the injector pipes. This way you know you have fuel running to the cylinders. If you have no smoke or anything coming out the exhaust when trying to start it would imply there is no fuel getting there.


If you have fuel get a can of easy start, I have used a hole can in a tractor that wouldn't start before and no damage but the engines do get addicted to it and refuse to start without it after regular use. There is a trick about lighting a rag on the air inlet and the flames get pulled into the engine to start it, never tried it though but been told it has been know to set fire to air filter in times of need if it was a paper one.

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It is a common myth that engines get addicted to easy start, though it is easy to see how it happens.

The reason easy start gets used on engines is because there is already a problem with the engine, most likely low compression, hence it needs help starting.

Because easy start is so good at making engines fire up it gets used to keep an engine going that would otherwise be rebuilt if easy start were not available, and because the problem causing it not to start is never fixed the engine always needs easy start, maybe more so as it wears further. Hence it looks like it's getting addicted.


Easy start contains upper cylinder lubricant and ether, which is highly flammable and if used in large quantities will make the engine knock for a few seconds until it clears when started. This is very bad for the engine, and will put extra wear on it making things worse, and has also been known to break piston rings - and even blow pistons through the side of the engine in extreme cases.

However a slight spray to get a whiff into the intake should be enough unless the engine it well and truly knackered, and doing this will cause no harm even long term. I know a tractor that has been in daily use on it for 20 years, it goes perfectly but needs half a second of spray on a morning.

Using it correctly saves burning starter motors out and flattening batteries when having problems.


To the OP, it rather sounds like a fuel problem, when that's sorted it'll either just start or you'll get smoke from the exhaust, that's the time to either use a hair-dryer/heat gun/blow lamp/burning rag/easy start. Obviously don't use easy start then stick a burning rag into the intake or try the glow plugs, as you may be in for a bang!

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It was running before being parked up so as long as the stop is going fully back it'll need a quick bleed up to the injectors, fuel filter will most likely be OK, I'd be very surprised if the fuel waxed (I've only seen it a couple of times in 22 years of working on diesels), however if the glow plugs weren't used or are not working it is possible for the cylinder to be come soaked with fuel, easy start is the answer to this :yes: , valvoline have their own variety which is a little easier on the engine, a quick squirt whilst cranking will do the job just fine, if it cracks up but won't run then you have air / fuel issues

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Cheers for all the options guys, still waiting on the battery its been on charge 20hrs now and looks like it will need 20 more!!!


I am just going outside to check that the engine stop is returning properly, and then its a waiting game for the battery, probably till Wednesday.


The fun bit will be moving it without a rear cross member and outriggers!

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