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Sean Penn accuses Britain of 'colonialism' over Falklands

Laird Lugton

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Sean Penn accuses Britain of 'colonialism' over Falklands


Linky to Sean Penn


At a meeting with Argentine president Cristina Kirchner, the Left-wing Hollywood actor referred to the islands "the Malvinas Islands of Argentina" and said Britain should entered into a UN-sponsored dialogue over their sovereignty.

"The world today is not going to tolerate any ludicrous and archaic commitment to colonialist ideology," he said during the meeting in Buenos Aires.


Here's a great rebuttal by Tim Stanley...


Linky to rebuttal


I’d like to make a statement about the growing crisis in the Americas. It’s time for justice. It’s time for liberty. It’s time to end the ludicrous and archaic commitment to colonialist ideology. It’s time Sean Penn handed his Malibu estate back to the Mexicans.
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If Sean Penn is so worried about colonialism maybe he should get the hell out of Argentina, go back to his own country, and start working on handing it back to the American Indians...


:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Yes, nice point, just for a laugh I've posted a variation on his facebook wall, lets see how long that stays there......

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Sean Penn is just a d-bag moonbat. Don't pay any attention to him.


IMO the easiest way to settle the Falklands dispute would be to park a carrier group right outside of the island chain.


Just one problem with that though Doc, we've scrapped most of ours and the ones we do have don't have planes as we scrapped them as well. We could send the RNLI though. :lol:

Edited by ack-ack
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Penn is a fool who needs to read some history books. Argentina has no more claim to the Falklands than does Spain to Portugal merely because it happens to be next door.

Colonialism means the taking over, whether by force of arms or economic might, the territory and administration of an established country by a foreign power. As the population of the Falklands are British citizens by choice and the islands recognized as British territory in International law, it is Argentina with its ambition to occupy foreign territory and expell or subjugate its lawful inhabitants who are the colonialists.

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Just one problem with that though Doc, we've scrapped most of ours and the ones we do have don't have planes as we scrapped them as well. We could send the RNLI though. :lol:


I'm talking about a US carrier strike group. I'd love to see the look on the Argentinians faces when they saw this parked off of their coast. :lol:



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I'm talking about a US carrier strike group. I'd love to see the look on the Argentinians faces when they saw this parked off of their coast. :lol:





Not while Barak Obama is President.

Help the Brits? :oops: I think he believes we still practise slavery and wear pith helmets. I could see him lending a hand to the Argies though.

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I'm talking about a US carrier strike group. I'd love to see the look on the Argentinians faces when they saw this parked off of their coast. :lol:




From what I gather on the news over here there's more chance of JFK appearing as a judge on American idol than there is of US assistance on this one.........................




















But then on second thoughts there is lots of oil down there :hmm:









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From what I gather on the news over here there's more chance of JFK appearing as a judge on American idol than there is of US assistance on this one.........................




















But then on second thoughts there is lots of oil down there :hmm:










Oil? Really?! In that case, we'll be right down. :D


We didn't directly intervene during the last Falklands War, but we did help a little. I believe we let the British use one of our bases for refueling on the trek down there. And we sold the RAF a bunch of AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles which were used on the Harriers. The AIM-9L's were a lot more effective than the missiles the Harriers used before.

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Oil? Really?! In that case, we'll be right down. :D


We didn't directly intervene during the last Falklands War, but we did help a little. I believe we let the British use one of our bases for refueling on the trek down there. And we sold the RAF a bunch of AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles which were used on the Harriers. The AIM-9L's were a lot more effective than the missiles the Harriers used before.



True :good: I think our bond with the states was a lot stronger then, Reagun was definitely behind us. I sense a lot of negativity from Baracko, he wouldn't lend us so much as a nato round were there to be a rematch :lol:

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