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Red Kites in Kent?


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Last week i was decoying on rape and made the fatal mistake of thinking nothing was around and started looking on my phone, i looked through the netting and spotted a bird walking around my decoy and i`m sure it was having a go at them, i looked at it and it was about a foot tall maybe a bit bigger and was red, i have looked online and i`m sure it was a red kite, i didn`t think they were around down here, also could it have been something else?

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There are red kites on Romney Marsh and the Downs areas.

Add in the Marsh Harriers, Buzzards and the general increase in the hawk varieties, it is becoming a raptors paradise.


Earlier this week there were 100 or so Twitchers searching the West Hythe area following an alleged White Tailed Sea Eagle sighting.

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There are red kites on Romney Marsh and the Downs areas.

Add in the Marsh Harriers, Buzzards and the general increase in the hawk varieties, it is becoming a raptors paradise.


Earlier this week there were 100 or so Twitchers searching the West Hythe area following an alleged White Tailed Sea Eagle sighting.

I think most of those raptors are migrants or just passing through, as do ospreys, but there are plenty of buzzards nowadays.

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The adults look massive on the ground, we have hundreds near us, literally so seeing them isn't exactly a novelty but I got up close to an when I was out of the bike a few months ago and was still amazed at the size of it :blink:


The most noticeable feature is the forked tail, even if you can't get a good look at the colouring or estimate size the silhouette of that is a dead give away.

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Quite common now down south, was working at Didcot last year and they are as common as crows, are you sure it wasn't a buzzard, kites are easy recognisable due to their long tails, hence the name. :hmm:



The tail is not significantly longer infact than the Buzzard but its unmistakable characteristic is the fork and its long dihedral wings.


Its ability to soar effortlessly for long periods with minimal effort on the wind and updrafts akin to a "Kite" is where it gets its name.

There are plenty around Didcot and I saw about 12 soaring over the BMW mini factory at Cowley in Oxford just a week ago.


I also saw 2 in Sevenoaks Kent about 8 weeks ago. There have been reports of Kites in most of the Southern Counties in the last 5 years.

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We were on a shoot work party in East Sussex last year when one swooped and screached just over my lad's head while he has having a p*** in the woods. Needless to say it went straight down his trouser leg as he jumped with fright! Very funny for the rest of us. :lol:

Did its talons get stuck in his nuts.. :lol:

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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