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how far can shot carry?? public footpaths

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Hi guys,


I have a piece of land that i have permission to shot on. I currently got rape on and the pigeons are increasing there numbers on there


It does however have a public footpath running along side it and im trying to find out the best way to position my hide to get the best shooting but with putting anyone at risk, I just dont want a dog walker saying ive shot at him, which i would never do


ive uploaded a pic of the permission, the red line is the public footpath which has a row of trees on each side. The pigeons fly from the wood, sit in these trees, then drop down on the edge of the rape. The blue line is my boundary line. The yellow circle is a pit in the middle of the field that i have seen pigeons feed near when dog walkers walk past there normal feeding spot and push them to the pit


the black line is the pigeons normal feeding area

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The map's so small it's difficult to say really.


I always allow at least 320 yards if shooting towards houses/unseen footpaths, just to be on the safe side.

There's a rule function on Google Earth, try using that to measure various distances across the fields. You may need to limit your arc of fire a bit but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

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The map's so small it's difficult to say really.


I always allow at least 320 yards if shooting towards houses/unseen footpaths, just to be on the safe side.

There's a rule function on Google Earth, try using that to measure various distances across the fields. You may need to limit your arc of fire a bit but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.


maps been made bigger mate, hope that helps


I wouldnt say its not safe to shoot on there, its just that the ideal position of the hide would be with my back towards the footpath waiting for them to fly from the wood to there feeding grounds just infront of the footpath but im unsure of the legal status about being so close to a public footpath and what people that use the footpath may do/say!!!


thats why i was considering sitting in the pit. from there the footpath is on my left which is 190 yards away, on my right is the road which is 325 yards away. if i limit myself to a 45degree angle on my left, the footpath is 320 yards away. houses are not a problem, just the dog walkers using the footpath im more worried about



just trying to work out best plan of action and not get any complaints. if the pigeons would fly directly over my head, i wouldnt be worrying full stop but its never that easy

Edited by beesley121
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I think legally you're be fine to shoot from next to the footpath, however you probably need to stop when people are walking nearby, as people with no knowledge of guns could get very scared, even though you aren't facing them.


If you shoot from the pit as you've also considered then you are far enough from the road not to worry about that, and you can also avoid the footpath if you limit your swing a bit. Even if you swing a bit far, the shot isn't going to be dangerous to anyone on the path but you obviously still don't want the shot going there anyway. Of course the shot isn't allowed to leave the land you've got permission to shoot on anyway so the footpath won't matter.

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Although it's not illegal to shoot on or over a footpath, it's probably best to avoid it if possible. There's nothing more annoying than checking for walkers before taking a shot!!


I'd go for the pit option. Maybe bag off the area the birds normally feed on, and attract them to your pattern with plenty of movement in your decoys.

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the simple answer is shoot the field and when you see someone walking down the path across the field your shooting on don,t shoot until they have passed the field once they are out of sight carry on :good:

also looking at the direction indicator top right of the pic set your hide and decoys in a north east direction at the pithole that way your shooting away from the footpath but still don,t shoot when footpath is in use

Edited by yickdaz
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Burrard produced an empirical formula for this which is good - a search on here should find it. But have just come across another one which gives a marginally shorter result than Burrard but for all intents and purposes it's fine and is less complicated. Ignoring the decimal point, use the first three figures of the pellet diameter in inches ( this includes any '0s') and multiply this by 2.2 for an answer in yards. This, like Burrard, only refers to lead.

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It is illegal to shoot within 50ft of the centre of a public highway, without lawful authority or excuse, if as a result a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or endangered.




The Public Highway


•Shoot managers and Guns must ensure that shooting does not obstruct, cause danger or alarm to users of the public highway, including roads, bridleways, footpaths and other rights of way.

•Guns should note that to shoot across a footpath or bridleway that is in use by walkers or riders may constitute a public nuisance or wilful obstruction. There may also be a liability in negligence if it is known that people are on, or likely to be on, the path.

•In particular, care should be taken when siting Guns near roads. Section 161 of the Highways Act 1980 (England & Wales) makes it an offence to discharge a firearm within 50 ft of the centre of a highway with vehicular rights without lawful authority or excuse, if as a result a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or endangered.

•The Highways Act does not apply in Scotland but Procurators Fiscal may use common law offences of 'culpable and reckless conduct' and 'reckless endangerment' in situations in which the 1980 Act would be contravened in England and Wales.

•Information signs, if appropriate, should be erected on shoot days on footpaths or bridleways.

•The siting of release pens and feeding of game near highways should be avoided. Game managers should collect and dispose of road casualties where possible.





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Remember the old saying Beesley if in dout dont shoot ! 350 yards I think is what BASC list as the general safty range , if people using the foot path are clearly visible to you it will be better to wait till they are well past you before you take a shot . Walkers out for a stroll can get very upset when a gun suddenly goes off when they dont expect it ! & Joe pleb just dose not understand guns ! as some one said it might pay you to put up a sign on the foot path just to make them aware of what is going on .

Remember if they panic its just a mobile phone call & the police armed response team could ruin your days shooting ! it has happened ! .


Take note of this , last year I had 2 young lads on my land for a shot a clays & one of the boys left his car about apox 200 250 yards at the edge of my field & one of the clays went wide to the left & one of the lads went to shoot it & I shouted dont shoot or you will hit your car ! bang ! , Ronnie that will hit your car ! Na ! they will never go that far ! . Well this happened a second time so I said ok then you see that big stone in the middle of the ploughed field about 180 200 yards up the hill ! shoot at that , well you have seen his face drop when we saw pellet strikes all around the stone !!!.

So he went to see his car & sure enough it was hit ! but the good news was no serious marks & that was 7 shot , but had that have been some ones eye at 200 yards the out come would have been very serious !.


Most old grunters my age have been hit with shot gun pellets or know some one who has & some poor chaps still have then inside em ! a mate of mine had one in the white of his eye ! & the doctors told him it was best left in there !. Work it out & good shooting Beesley .

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The most relevant thing here is the fact that the footpath is outside your permission. That being the case you have to be absolutely sure that the shot isn't reaching it as, even though it may harm no one at the distance, it is an offence for any of your shot to travel beyond your boundary.



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