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He is back there now as we speak, I can't believe how much he can pack away.

Once full he just drops off the end of the cage onto the lawn, scarpers through the fence and then climbs up the vine and down the cage again for more - it's better than watching the telly.

If the dog gets a sniff of him he will go nuts (excuse the pun)

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Isn't this normally where get into the difference between house mouse and field mouse discussion :hmm:

FWIW that looks like a field mouse to me, but as I can't claim to have 'shot them all' I am clearly no expert...


Isn't it a doormouse and therefore protected?? Coat is lighter and ears are bigger. I stand to be corrected though.






Edited to add:- Maybe not, Shoot at will

Edited by Boondock
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Isn't this normally where get into the difference between house mouse and field mouse discussion :hmm:

FWIW that looks like a field mouse to me, but as I can't claim to have 'shot them all' I am clearly no expert...

Wood Mouse or Yellow Necked Mouse :yes: . The two are quite difficult to tell apart - I get both in my garden and it's usually only by catching them I can get close enough to tell the difference :oops: .


House Mouse has smaller eyes and ears, shorter in tail length and is generally more drab in colour.


.243 for House Mouse, but the others can be had with something a bit smaller :yp: :lol:

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I used to think them hanging about was "fun" and "nice to see" until a one did 3k's worth of damage to a vehicle's wiring loom I had parked in the garage! :angry:

went to take my trailer tent to the evlbay bay and suddenly 500 quid became 80 quid as the little b.......ds had eaten the canvas :angry: :angry:
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Isn't it a doormouse and therefore protected?? Coat is lighter and ears are bigger. I stand to be corrected though.






Edited to add:- Maybe not, Shoot at will


If this is a dormouse - I'll eat it - its very much more likely a wood mouse/field mouse. House mice, as mentioned, have smaller eyes and dormice have yet to become urbanised and brown.

Nice, unusual pics

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