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Rabbit shooting with 12ftp air rifle


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Hi guys and gals ive just been given permission on a small patch of farm land. I have had some experience lamping with friends but not much. Has anybody got any tips for lamping with a air rifle and how to get close enough without spooking them.Cheers Dan

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As above, first day out wonder round and look for signs, runs and warrens, noting accesable ambush points within your comfortable shooting range and from various wind directions.


Second day just sit there from mid afternoon to dark, noting where the wee crop robbers appear from most and have a pop if in range.


Third day change to next ambush spot / up the hedge/ different field if first proved less successful in numbers.


It's all about getting to know your feildcraft, your shoot and your quarry's habits, the rest runs from that.


Most of all enjoy it and don't worry about the bad days!

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Hunting bunnies with an air rifle is all down to field craft. Get to know your ground. Where the warrens are, where the food is, which warrens are populated, where you can get down and hide for ambush. It is unlikely you will have much luck if you are wanting to walk round, gun at the ready as they will sense you coming or see you before you get in range.


Just remember their senses are far better than yours with regard to smell, vibration and sound. Your killing range should be no longer than 30 yds at the start. When you get better at range finding and you know your rifle you can extend this to 35 yds. Don't try to shoot them at ranges greater than 40 yds until you can shoot a polo mint at that range. Remember that it is not nearly as easy to range find at night.


Most of all enjoy your shooting and remember you are helping to protect the farmer's crops.

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Hunting bunnies with an air rifle is all down to field craft. Get to know your ground. Where the warrens are, where the food is, which warrens are populated, where you can get down and hide for ambush. It is unlikely you will have much luck if you are wanting to walk round, gun at the ready as they will sense you coming or see you before you get in range.


Just remember their senses are far better than yours with regard to smell, vibration and sound. Your killing range should be no longer than 30 yds at the start. When you get better at range finding and you know your rifle you can extend this to 35 yds. Don't try to shoot them at ranges greater than 40 yds until you can shoot a polo mint at that range. Remember that it is not nearly as easy to range find at night.


Most of all enjoy your shooting and remember you are helping to protect the farmer's crops.

very good advise that albert

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hi everybody went out last night and didnt see anything there was a heard of about 50-60 deer in the field i wanted to shoot. When i turned up just before dusk they all moved into the woodland and stayed there all night which must have upset the rabbits because none came out. Ill have to try next week and see what happens. thanks again for all the advise

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