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Police Firearms.


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They probably were having a laugh, just like any other workplace, but most workplaces haven't had a recent death. The family of the lad killed during one of their training exercises, failed to see the "humour".


They were daft doing it and even more stupid letting it be filmed. Their judgement is very suspect - on any level. They won't be on Firearms duties again, nor should they.

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for ***** sake do we have to do this. they was having a laugh like millions of other people in the work place.


When you are out with your mates shooting do you pretend to shoot each other up the ***.


They are supposed to be trained firearms officers messing about with guns is a NO NO try it the next time you are at the range see how you get on. What do you think would happen if the same officers saw you messing about with guns.

Edited by ordnance
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for ***** sake do we have to do this. they was having a laugh like millions of other people in the work place.


Fooling round with firearms is not acceptable from anybody, the police should know better.


Just go to a clay ground and do that, see if it's considered acceptable practice there among safe shooters!


One of the most important rules regarding guns is not to point them at something you don't intend to kill, if that can't be managed then can they be trusted with firearms?


I'm glad they've been knocked out of the firearms department, they need it.

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Fooling round with firearms is not acceptable from anybody, the police should know better.


Just go to a clay ground and do that, see if it's considered acceptable practice there among safe shooters!


One of the most important rules regarding guns is not to point them at something you don't intend to kill, if that can't be managed then can they be trusted with firearms?


I'm glad they've been knocked out of the firearms department, they need it.


yes i know that. but with out a doubt they all knew it was unloaded therfore its just a lump of metal in the blokes hands.


the clay ground comment is totally irrelevant.

what they have done is no different to a shotgun coach checking gun fit with the pupil pointing a (unloaded) gun at his eye. Manchester police have lost some highly trained officers, only due to the fact it went public.


Perhaps the guy on the bonnet had haemorrhoids.



its a woman btw

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Why defend something that is undoubtedly wrong? They messed about got banged to rights over it end of story.

have you ever done anything you shouldnt have? anything you regretted?

of course not you like so many on here are perfect.

they was having a laugh, probably because there jobs are alot more stressful than yours.

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yes i know that. but with out a doubt they all knew it was unloaded therfore its just a lump of metal in the blokes hands.

It's a gun. It should only be pointed at something you intend to shoot.


the clay ground comment is totally irrelevant.

what they have done is no different to a shotgun coach checking gun fit with the pupil pointing a (unloaded) gun at his eye. For a purpose, not horseplay. Manchester police have lost some highly trained officers, only due to the fact it went public. No, they demoted some officers for being caught doing something wrong and stupid - I don't think it's appropriate to call them highly trained.



its a woman btw


I don't see how you can defend them, if they caught you doing that you would lose your certificate(s) faster than you could blink.

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They forgot the golden rule, what goes on tour stays on tour and to be fair they really should have known better than to let somebody photograph that given their position of responsibility and the UK publics sensitive nature to guns. I'm not defending pointing a gun at somebody which is generally wrong at every level.


Never mind, it will only cost the public purse 000's to train up another 2 AFO's to replace them

Edited by Livefast123
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have you ever done anything you shouldnt have? anything you regretted?

of course not you like so many on here are perfect.

they was having a laugh, probably because there jobs are alot more stressful than yours.


Assume what you like pal but I haven't been caught on camera in uniform pointing a gun at someone for 'a laugh'.

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yes i know that. but with out a doubt they all knew it was unloaded therfore its just a lump of metal in the blokes hands.


the clay ground comment is totally irrelevant.

what they have done is no different to a shotgun coach checking gun fit with the pupil pointing a (unloaded) gun at his eye. Manchester police have lost some highly trained officers, only due to the fact it went public.



its a woman btw


If highly trained officers are that complacent with firearms then they are better without them.

If i clear my gun at the range and get someone to double check that its unloaded and then point it at someone on the range even accidental or with their permission i would be looking for a new club to join. You always treat a gun that its loaded no excuses.


I have no doubt the gun was unloaded. But the always treat a firearm that its loaded rule is there for the time that its not unloaded. Example below for the rule.


A police firearms instructor accidentally shot and badly injured a civilian worker at a firearms awareness session at its HQ.

Keith Tilbury was blasted through the liver at close range by firearms officer PC David Micklethwaite, in front of horrified colleagues.

The bullet from the Magnum .44 revolver passed through Mr Tilbury and the chair he was sitting on, lodging in the seat behind.

Mr Tilbury was blown off his chair and thrown half way across the room.

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Oh, just to point out how bad it really is, this link tells you that it's the same firearms unit that accidentally shot PC Ian Terry during a training exercise.

This incident happened a whole month after the inquest into his death ruled that he had been unlawfully killed.


It's nice to see just how much they managed to learn from killing one of their mates eh?

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have you ever done anything you shouldnt have? anything you regretted?

of course not you like so many on here are perfect.

they was having a laugh, probably because there jobs are alot more stressful than yours.


mmmmmmmmmm wonder if it would have been a laugh to watch that mans ring piece exit out his head :o

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