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Rabbit increase

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they seem to have increased up here too ten fold,but im not too sure if its just cos its a bit warmer now and there showing themselfs through the day light hours instead of just after dark..


not too happy though as ive just shot my first mixy rabbit in three years.. :angry:

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There is normally a sudden jump in appearance around spring time.

Over the winter months there is not enough quality food for the does to produce enough milk so the birth rate drops.


Best advice is to get amongst them now, as they are a less skittish, and at two to three months old they make good eating, and easy skinning, unlike the tough old bucks you will be trying to skin for the rest of the year. :)

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Well last night I went to my favourite patch and set the rifle up on a short shooting stick I made and pushed into the ground and layed down and within 2 minutes of me walking past they were back out and I emptied a 5shot mag at 5 rabbits in 20 seconds, hitting them all at 55-65 yards and they don't have a care it the world that there mate has just taken a round to the head!!! :hmm: some of them have ran at me and iv had to use hold under because they are that close 15-20yards!! Shame I havnt got the 223 yet because there was 2 foxes at 130 yards out too!

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