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no ur not in the wrong game.


breeding for money is just ethically wrong if you ask me.


newf pups (my breed), have hit the 1k bracket these days, and because of that we get those that just arent interested in bettering a breed which have a LOT of health issues (hereditary).


they know they can make a quick buck because newf pups are utterly adorable baby bears. they sell indiscriminately to people who either have no idea what they are getting themselves into, nor appreciate the possible health issues this breed may have in later life. scaffy and i do as much as we can for newfoundland rescue, and its sickening to see the amount of dogs that come through rescue because of irresponsible breeders and owners who had no business being sold one in the first place.


yes the argument could go that if prices werent so high then it wouldnt perpetuate the money market for greedy swines who lack responsible ethics.


but at the same time, if prices were reduced, every tom **** and harry could get hold of a dog which requires a LOT of time and effort.


face it, prices arent going to come down. its not the way this useless ****** up world works. and the powers that be (like the kennel club) wont do anything because they'll end up losing money in registrations.


catch 22 and vicious circle spring to mind.

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