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introducing new ferrets


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hi, i have two albino ferret jills that are about a year old, they arent really mine but my sisters and she doesnt want to work them due to the risk of losing them, even though i would get a ferret finder. so i m hopeing to get my own ferret that will live with hers. i have seen some 5 wk old polecat jills for sale near me. so is it ok for me to put another ferret in with the current two, and the house is plenty big enough. any help please.





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I agree with the neutral ground idea, I usually use a pen in the garden.


I have had varying reactions over the years, when introducing new ferrets.

There are quite few variables, age and sex are the main ones.


Jills normally get on OK with new jills, just keep an eye on them for a while.

There is usually some spitting and tussling at first.


Young hobs normally get on OK, but an older hob will often bully a young one and make its life a misery.

Old hobs will fight.


Putting a hob in with jills, can lead to him bullying them, but I have also had three jills set upon a young hob and nearly kill him.


It might be worth thinking about getting two new jills for working and another hutch.

Let your sister keeps hers as pets, while yours have all the fun. :good:

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i think i will only get the one due to the price as they are about £30 due to it being from RSPCA and is chipped and nutered. i think i may try to build a new hutch from scrap. if i cant afford the hutch will it be ok to put it into the others house.






ps, do poleis smell more, or are they just polecat markings on a ferret.


also does anyone have any designs for ferret courts. small ones preferable made from light material.





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I wouldn't pay the RSPCA £30 for a ferret, whether its chipped and neutered , or not.


They are available much cheaper, usually for about £5, quite a lot are free.

Check out your local newspapers "Pets for sale", cards in shop windows (especially pet shops) etc.

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