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France, what now?

Vince Green

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France has electeted Hollande on a Socialist ticket pledged to reverse the austerity measures. Thats going to be interesting.........


Big implications for Europe if he gets his way, where on earth does he think the money is going to come from?


Like all politicians, what he pledges when he's not in power, and what he actually does when he is in power are two different things.


Too much pressure from the rest of Europe, especially Germany, will limit any changes he might want to make.


Would be interesting to see what would happen if he did actually stick to his guns though.

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Like most republics doesn't he need the backing of the parliament to do anything? Who controls that? France is going to become interesting all we need next is Greece to elect the communists and it's all going to the fan big time..... Doesn't France have quite a big nuclear arsenal? Bound to get some bums twitching across the world!

Edited by HDAV
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Like all politicians, what he pledges when he's not in power, and what he actually does when he is in power are two different things.


Too much pressure from the rest of Europe, especially Germany, will limit any changes he might want to make.


Would be interesting to see what would happen if he did actually stick to his guns though.


Too true. But remember that Merkel is up for election soon. She and Sarko have been keeping the EU together for their own purposes. If she loses the election it will mean a decisive swing against bailing out basket cases in the EU.


What will happen before then, as early as Tuesday morning, is that UK share prices will drop at least 3% - 5% on average, bank shares probabally half as much again whilst the £ will rise against the Euro. Anyone holding UK or European bank shares on the eve of the German elections is a pretty brave person. If Merkel loses they will drop like a stone.

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Like most republics doesn't he need the backing of the parliament to do anything? Who controls that? France is going to become interesting all we need next is Greece to elect the communists and it's all going to the fan big time..... Doesn't France have quite a big nuclear arsenal? Bound to get some bums twitching across the world!


I may be wrong but doesn't the left control most of the upper house and almost all the municipalities? Control of the Parliament seems inevitable to me. Historically the French people have been more left than right.

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France what now? I should imagine the higher earners will be taxed to to the hilt and do a runner for the border, and those who voted for Hollande will look forward to their relatives flooding in to join them :yes:


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Now would be the perfect time for the UK to withdraw from the ECHR, slash all business taxes and hold a bonfire of employment regulation. The resurgence of school-boy Marxism across continental Europe is a gift to Britain, or would be if we had leaders with balls. Oh Maggie, where are you now!

Edited by Gimlet
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its starting to heat up already! Merkel has "invited" Hollande to come to see her :lol: , and she has warned Greece to play ball or else! or else what? looks like the Greeks will soon have the drachma back and will default on everything and anything, and the French will bring down the pact that has kept the Euro dream alive albeit in intensive care, the socialist nightmare is sweeping through Europe watch the banks collapse and your pension disappear overnight, perhaps Germany will wish they could re-enact 1939 :o




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Now would be the perfect time for the UK to withdraw from the ECHR, slash all business taxes and hold a bonfire of employment regulation. The resurgence of school-boy Marxism across continental Europe is a gift to Britain, or would be if we had leaders with balls. Oh Maggie, where are you now!

Yes you are right but if the whole of Europe collapses we go down as well, in or out. Slightly slower out it true. Europe seems ever more set on lemming like self destruction. Look at Hollande, growth rather than austerity. But where on earth is that growth going to come from? Greece today, madness and nievety in equal parts. Very worrying for us because our stupid banks are in it up to the hilt with these countries. And Spain and Portugal.

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its starting to heat up already! Merkel has "invited" Hollande to come to see her :lol: , and she has warned Greece to play ball or else! or else what? looks like the Greeks will soon have the drachma back and will default on everything and anything, and the French will bring down the pact that has kept the Euro dream alive albeit in intensive care, the socialist nightmare is sweeping through Europe watch the banks collapse and your pension disappear overnight, perhaps Germany will wish they could re-enact 1939 :o




European socialism has been built on other peoples money. Unfortunately rather too much of it has been ours and Germany's

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What started out as a Common Market for trading, then expanded, taking over the laws and the running of the other member states.

The people that run the EC are either unelected or failed politicions, one example Neil Kinnock nicknamed the Welsh windbag. But if the EC should implode like the USSR, then I think we will all feel the pinch for a long time to come.

Personally I never believed there would be a United States of Europe.

We all know which country wanted to take over Europe, and not for the first time.

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This is bad news all around. We may be seeing another world war in the making if things keep going south.



It will never happen between the western powers, the financial situation is too complicated. The worst the Germans could do to us now is unfriend us on facebook :lol:

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Let it collapse. If it takes the UK as it currently composed with it then so be it. The 'European social model', to which Britain is a deluded subscriber, is a house of cards, as fraudulent, bankrupt and preposterous as Soviet Marxism, indeed it was dealt from the same pack.

Like the Soviet Union, the EU is modern Tower of Babel. Let it fall. Its not the collapse of supranational political vanity projects that is the disaster- they always collapse- its the length of time they're allowed to stand and the number of people who are conned into living in them that is the tragedy. The sooner the EU goes the fewer people will be hurt when gravity reasserts itself.

I doubt there will be war. No one has the guts, the guns or the money.

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This is bad news all around. We may be seeing another world war in the making if things keep going south.



I doubt this will be enough to start a world war... local in-fighting perhaps and the odd civil conflict in countries that our enlightened society would suggest had passed the point where civil conflict was possible...


This is just the Entree...


If there was to be another global conflict, it would no doubt be fought over control of dwindling resources... in particular oil and water... however, finance will no doubt be the agenda item that sets the tone and starts the downward spiral of rhetoric and politic... they will fail at some future point and then...... Let's hope not, ehh! doesn't really bear thinking about.. But just to finish my little prediction off... the next conflict to engulf the entire globe will be between the USA and China... when the US financial system goes tits up (and it will!) and China realises it isn't going to get it's money back, it will be a good excuse for them to strike the first blow!


Remember, civilisation sits on a knife edge... it WILL collapse at some point, we may now be starting to see the tipping point, and yes, I do think we could well see the collapse of civilisation (as we know it) in our life times!!

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Remember, civilisation sits on a knife edge... it WILL collapse at some point, we may now be starting to see the tipping point, and yes, I do think we could well see the collapse of civilisation (as we know it) in our life times!!



Mr Positive :lol:

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But just to finish my little prediction off... the next conflict to engulf the entire globe will be between the USA and China... when the US financial system goes tits up (and it will!) and China realises it isn't going to get it's money back, it will be a good excuse for them to strike the first blow!




That would be a very foolish move.

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