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MTC Mamba or other?


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I'm on the hunt for a new scope for a .17HMR, and am liking the look of the MTC Mamba 4-16x50. My budget is around £200, could stretch to £250, but don't want to spend £300 quid!

Is it the right option or is there a better alternative out there?


I don't quite have the time to wait for a quality second hand scope to come up on the bay, so that is not really an option, unless someone has something here!


Cheers guys,



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I have the 4-16 Mamba Lite and can't fault it. Their backup service is first class too if you do ever happen to have a problem with it.


I fell on mine a while back and wrecked the turret cap. A quick email to them asking where I could get one and they had it in the post free of charge the day I let them know my address. I couldn't have asked for better service. :good:

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I have one on my HMR and am very pleased with it. In hindsight I'd choose a different reticle. Mine has a "christmas tree" which is a bit cluttered, OTT and frankly unnecessary on a flat shooting HMR. Other than that, its a very solidly built, clear, good quality scope :good: It might move onto my .22 LR soon, where the aforementioned seasonal evergreen might come into its own when judging holdover on the longer shots.

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i have a viper 10x44 on my .22lr a 4-16x50 mamba on my .17hmr and a pulsar digisight 7.5x mag on my other .22lr and of the lot i have to say the mamba is the best by far. i say this because the vipers turrets are too big for the field and if you look hard enough then you can pick up a good second hand for aroud £120(i did) :beer:

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