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Follow on from gay marriage..........


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If there is a god then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?

I'm led to the conclusion that either:


  • there is no god
  • if there is a god, he/she/it doesn't care
  • if there is a god, he/she/it isn't able to change things or interfere in any way
  • if there is a god, he/she/it feels that things should not be changed or interfered with


which means that, whatever the reasons, in the end it all boils down to the same result, worshiping and beleiving in a god will do no good.

Once upon a time many things could not be explained, so it's understandable why people would turn to a god, but in this day we have more understanding and know what causes things.


That said, while I don't believe in a god and take the view that even if there is a god he/she/it isn't doing any good, I don't have an issue with people believing in it. Just so long as they don't fight over it or try to ram it down my throat.

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If there is a god then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?

I'm led to the conclusion that either:


  • there is no god
  • if there is a god, he/she/it doesn't care
  • if there is a god, he/she/it isn't able to change things or interfere in any way
  • if there is a god, he/she/it feels that things should not be changed or interfered with


which means that, whatever the reasons, in the end it all boils down to the same result, worshiping and beleiving in a god will do no good.

Once upon a time many things could not be explained, so it's understandable why people would turn to a god, but in this day we have more understanding and know what causes things.


That said, while I don't believe in a god and take the view that even if there is a god he/she/it isn't doing any good, I don't have an issue with people believing in it. Just so long as they don't fight over it or try to ram it down my throat.


Thats about where I am with it.

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As a very old and wise man said there was no atheists in the trenches. I beleive in God not a religious fanatic but have a faith and it has got me through some rough times.



I think you will find that most screamed for their mothers not god before they died,logical really as god had just let them down big style. :hmm:

And speaking as an ex squaddie,a lot of armed forces personnel will probably tell you after they have been into theatre then their belief goes out the window..

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I think you will find that most screamed for their mothers not god before they died,logical really as god had just let them down big style. :hmm:

And speaking as an ex squaddie,a lot of armed forces personnel will probably tell you after they have been into theatre then their belief goes out the window..

How can he let them down if he doesn't exist, but that's just my opinion not trying to influence any one.

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I've made up my own mind about what God is or is not and I roll with it. Whilst not a practising Christian any more I respect the beliefs of the faith. When it comes to the bible and what not I don't buy into it. It's a useful teaching aid and gets the point across to the kids but for me thats it.


I believe that Jesus probably existed but the miracles etc are a bit far fetched. He obviously touched a lot of people during his brief innings and I think they had a tendancy to exaggerate and embellish to get more people on the firm. It evidently worked quite well.


The only thing I worship is the the beauty of nature. Nature and the countryside are my church.

Edited by ack-ack
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Civil marriage should be legal

Church marriage should be up to the church to decide.


Job done.


The fact that homosexuality is still an issue in this country.... can we out grow religion already? its dying, but not fast enough.

Edited by gazzthompson
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Here's my two penneth,

Religion was created at a time when civilisation was in a right old mess. Look at the ten commandments, Thought shall not Kill, Though shall not steal etc, gives an insight into what folk were upto!


King Archibald says, don't do this, dont do that, the people say up yours and off with his head.


King Archibald says, God says don't do this, don't do that, or you'll burn in hell for all eternity. I'm just the messenger don't blame me...... People accept it.


Religeon was a method of imposing law and order and morals to a lawless society, using the fear of the devine to enforce it.


Jesus probably did walk the earth and may have had pearls of wisdom encouraging humanity etc.



Fast forward 2000 years, and people are now better educated (certainly in western civilisations) and are willing to question ideas and thinking. Faith and religion does have a place as it can provide comfort and support at times of grief or despair, giving people a place to turn to.


Personally the structure and focus of the Christian religion around times such as Christmas and Easter provide a continuity and tradition that I enjoy although I am the typical Weddings, Christenings, and Funerals man.

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This country is not fully Christian, Other people are not necessarily Christian, Christianity does not own the definition of marriage. If your reasoning for not allowing gay marriage (in a civil sense) has anything to do with religion, it should automatically be dismissed as irrelevant. Times change, people change, there is no logical reason for now allowing two consenting adults to get married in a civil sense.

Edited by gazzthompson
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To all those that do not believe, are you going to say I will not be taking my Christmas holidays, because I do not believe in christianity.


Christmas...that will be the pagan holiday that predates christanity by some years but was hijacked by the church and clained as their own, will it? in that case, yes I will be having a few days off :lol:

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Great statement crosshairs. If you don't consider yourself Christian then don't take Christian holidays. It's very hypocritical. You don't take Hindu ones do you?


Religion still plays an important part in society today. I think of the church as a tool to be used to spread morality in a time where, as discussed earlier, it is fading. Morals and standards in this country were founded on the catholic/Christian faith, and the diminishing following of the church is becoming more and more noticeable.


Are we losing sight of what is right and wrong?

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To all those that do not believe, are you going to say I will not be taking my Christmas holidays, because I do not believe in christianity.


The actual date of Jesus' birth is not recorded in the bible. The date of 25th December was selected by the church in the 4th century. It was mainly chosen to supplant the many pagan midwinter and solstice festivals celebrated at around that time. Christmas trees, wreaths, holly, mistletoe and many other aspects of "Christmas" are actually echoes of much older religions which have been celebrated at around that time, for far longer than the Christian nativity has.


So to answer your question, yes :yes:

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"Christian" holidays, firstly are mostly pagan, But ignoring this fact are now public holidays which for most have lost all meaning and link to Christianity. Its like when people say "For god sake", its just a turn of phrase that has lost pretty much all meaning. You can still adhere to cultural practices without believing the original religious dogma

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Great statement crosshairs. If you don't consider yourself Christian then don't take Christian holidays. It's very hypocritical. You don't take Hindu ones do you?


Religion still plays an important part in society today. I think of the church as a tool to be used to spread morality in a time where, as discussed earlier, it is fading. Morals and standards in this country were founded on the catholic/Christian faith, and the diminishing following of the church is becoming more and more noticeable.


Are we losing sight of what is right and wrong?



Well put Wurzle, a lot of so called atheists claiming they do not believe is sometimes a macho thing.

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