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had problem with bsa .177 ultra multishot this morning. well racked off had nice big bunny lined up and when i pulled trigger strange noise from gun as though no pellet in barrel.

hence missed bunny.


took look at rifle reloaded etc fired again same noise no pellet from barrel.

so i decided to take a peek a gun first problem i could not get mag out seemed to be jammed in, lot of mucking about got there in the end.


the long and the short of it was that i did get gun going again.


but when i got home and started to clean water off and lightly oil i decide to unscrew silencer and i found a small piece of plastic and remains of a pellet over the barrel hole.


so i decided to unscrew silencer end cap and found a bigger piece of lead and a damaged component of the silencer,please see picture.


what made the pellet stray and do the damage i do not know.


but my question is does anybody know make of this silencer? there are no markings to help.


this broken item looks like one of nora battys hair curlers.


could i use such hair curler to keep the wadding material in place or does the plastic bit have a sound muffling qualities?




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that looks a bit like a weirach mod, i had a similar problem a while back. all you need to do is bodge it to keep the wadding away from the centre and a hair roller sounds like a pretty good idea.

there might be a washer half way down that's worked loose, if the pellet caught it....

Edited by GRAM71
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thanks for the info hair roller it will be then, i can see something half way down but cannot make out what it is, looks like penny washer or some sort of divider as i can see internal wad etc in opposite end.


thanks again

deffo sounds like a weirach mod. :good:

there'll be a similar set up the other side of the washer, the other end should unscrew too, i'd take the whole lot out and check it over just to be sure, maybe chuck that washer out too :lol:

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Sounds like too much messing to me, spend some hard earned & get a new decent 1 much easier & no worries in furture. My mate had similar issue a while ago & ended up having to get major gun smith works done. New mods are only £30 for a good en !



thanks, is the one on my air rifle a cheap nasty one then? i dont mind buying a new one, what make should i ask for?

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Don't know mate, I'm just a lazy **** when it comes to things like this, as a said my mate had probs with his on a theoben rapid 7, cost a fortune to repair. Can't remember the name of the 1 I have on my daystate but it cost me £90, you can pick em up for around the £30 mark, less of a worry then


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Well, i'm struggling to take my Weihrauch silencer apart right now, but mine looks very similar to yours, although mine has writing on it near the bottom, saying 'nur fur F-Leftgewehre'. I have no idea what this means, but if yours hasn't got it, might not be a Weihrauch! the thing with bodgering it is that you might do a good job on it, but over time, i imagine it will happen again. The pellet may not have strayed and cased the damage, the damage may have been there and the pellet strayed, and then made it worse. if the inside had frayed already for some reason (something got inside, a knock of some sort or just general wear and tear) then that one extra pellet might have tipped the balance, causing the pellet to ricochet inside the silencer and causing untold mayhem. My advice? get another silencer! my Weihrauch one is superb and is about £40

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Yup, its a weihrauch. One of the best off the shelf silencers on the market but I don't know if an ordinary hair curler would be ok as a replacement, worth a try though. It would make a good project to make new internals for - if you want to sell it I may be interested as I have some ideas for silencer internals.

Edited by FalconFN
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What has happened there by the looks of it is your Silencer is very slightly out of line with the Barrel or had just worked loose. ;)

When you have fired a pellet it has hit the end cap of the Silencer and split the pellet.

Part of the pellet as gone out of the Silencer and part of it has bounced back and smashed in to the hair roller braking it. :o

Its only there to stop the wadding falling in to the path of the pellet. :thumbs:

If you can`t find a hair roller the right size just put some tape round the damaged bit. :good:

You can take the end cap of the Silencer and drill it out a bit say 6 or 8 mm drill. :good:

This will stop it happening again for sure. :good:

If you are still unsure get yourself a 4.5mm for .177 or a 5.5mm for .22 knitting needle put your Silencer on the gun nice and tight feed the knitting needle down through the Silencer and in to the Barrel stand the gun upright. :yes:

Now the needle is in line with the Barrel and there should be a gap all round the needle and the hole in the end cap of the Silencer. :good:

If its touching then the Silencer is out of line and must of been knocked. :sick:

Hope this helps good luck. Happy :shoot::shoot::shoot:

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hey that sounds very plausible, i did notice greyish deposits on the inside of the end cap. i thought it may have been some sort of sealant.


i am beginning to wonder if this has happened before as this was a secondhand gun.


either way thanks to all for your advise, i think i am gonna go along the alinement check route first as cash is a bit tight at the moment,( stocked up on 12g shells)


i am gonna turn the damaged bit round so it is towards the center of mod and if keep a check on it.( if all it well will find a curler lol)


if this error happens again then a new one will be on the cards.



for my own reference and learning is out of alinement of mod the only reason this could happen?


low air in gun?


could it be possible to load 2 pellets instead of one? ( mag plays up, i remove resolve and replace mag not aware there is a pellet still in barrel and load)



in advance thanks to every one for your help.


i am well pleased with my little rifle , could believe it two days ago, bunny a least 50 yds + at a guess, thought give him a go fired, bunny flinched, thought ok up a bit more, same again this time bunny sat up.


well i was lucky he did not run off.


i thought no way am i going over its head to i took scope to the edge of mill dot and bold him over with head shot.


amazing little gun, seems to be very accurate

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Well, i'm struggling to take my Weihrauch silencer apart right now, but mine looks very similar to yours, although mine has writing on it near the bottom, saying 'nur fur F-Leftgewehre'. I have no idea what this means, but if yours hasn't got it, might not be a Weihrauch! the thing with bodgering it is that you might do a good job on it, but over time, i imagine it will happen again. The pellet may not have strayed and cased the damage, the damage may have been there and the pellet strayed, and then made it worse. if the inside had frayed already for some reason (something got inside, a knock of some sort or just general wear and tear) then that one extra pellet might have tipped the balance, causing the pellet to ricochet inside the silencer and causing untold mayhem. My advice? get another silencer! my Weihrauch one is superb and is about £40


Google translate is a great thing it says "F-left only for guns". If that makes sense to anyone then great. At any rate its german :lol:

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Google translate is a great thing it says "F-left only for guns". If that makes sense to anyone then great. At any rate its german :lol:


well thanks for that! So weihrauch want me to know that the silencer is only for my gun? jolly useful advice there from a gun maker...who'd have thought it! Although i'd love to know what else it could work with. Traffic wardens? antis? the dog?

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spelling mistake there "only for airguns" is what it says, nur fur luftgewehr, without the " over the letters, i used these mods on a fair few air rifles, always been good and the hair roller inside is an oft used item, .22 or .177? who screw cut the barrel? was the mod loose? over doing is just as bad, i get mine hand made now by the air gun guru Ian Collins, in bedfordshire, no problems with anything now.


if you think its clipping then fire a pellet into a barrel of water and take a look at it, don't use a bucket as it will go straight through :good:

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