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Lump of carp


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monster makes my 50lb er look small cracking fish


Where did you pull that one from?


Just another obese Carp. caught by a obese fisherman. Bring back the closed season and make going the to gym compulsory




Just another snobbish fishing comment made by a fishing snob!

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I didn't take you for being of Polish descent eating Carp ;)


Nowt wrong with eating Carp, but Catcherpelt and I have found that the River Carp we Catch/eat taste far better than them Fat puddle fish :yes: that so called fishermen go and chuck buckets of food at each weekend. Now why are they so big :hmm:

Give me a 10-20lb wild fish anyday.


Catcherpelt, thanks for that fillet from that 4lb brownie. Tasted great just panned fried :thumbs: , have to get out and get another. Also need some more Crays :drinks:



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How can u class carp fishermen as ' so called fishermen' in your comment. You 2 seem to have very high opinions of yourselfs and your style of fishing but slate others who fish for 'obesse carp' in puddles.


Each to their own though. If you enjoy catching LITTLE fish and eating them then all the best to you. I personally prefer to fish a minimum of 3 days that way I get a nice bed of bait in to attract the BIG fish and catch a decent number of fish over the session. Not just catch one and kill it.


One last point, us obesse puddle chuckers use this crazy device to stop the unhooking mats that EVERYONE should use stinking. It's called WATER. You throw some water over it, wash off the slime then hang it on a tree to dry it. Crazy I know isn't it. Just a silly little idea us 'so called fishermen use'

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How can u class carp fishermen as ' so called fishermen' in your comment. You 2 seem to have very high opinions of yourselfs and your style of fishing but slate others who fish for 'obesse carp' in puddles.


Each to their own though. If you enjoy catching LITTLE fish and eating them then all the best to you. I personally prefer to fish a minimum of 3 days that way I get a nice bed of bait in to attract the BIG fish and catch a decent number of fish over the session. Not just catch one and kill it.


One last point, us obesse puddle chuckers use this crazy device to stop the unhooking mats that EVERYONE should use stinking. It's called WATER. You throw some water over it, wash off the slime then hang it on a tree to dry it. Crazy I know isn't it. Just a silly little idea us 'so called fishermen use'




A little bit of ground bait, a small hook bait and BANG i've hooked a BIG ONE


:lol: :lol: :lol:



If the Fish aint bitting try GAVISCON boil's on a hair rig


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by the pelt man
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I don't get your jokes as there not even slightly funny.


There's two types of fishermen in this world, there's anglers then there's danglers. I fear your the latter


Sorry mate, must be my Accent :/


I cant be a Dangler, as you said i'm a knob. ***** don't dangle, but you could always upgrade me to a Pr!ck.

Maybe i deserve it, just needed to get something of my chest

Edited by the pelt man
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