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ns200 and ruger 10 22


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went out last night on some paddocks fox was about which ruins the night smelly **** , well got 4 bunnies


also you will see in the pic i have got my 10 22 cut down to 12.5" inch now and shoots not bad





this is how its grouping with cci being best, done at 40yd off a bench rest

winchester subs no good


eley high velocity not bad but had flier but could had been me


cci subs that come in box of 100 40grain


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I was thinking it may be 25,yea bet is a right pain trying to manoeuvre in a vehicle! My mate as a 10/22 but I think he uses winchesters as the fine grease on the eleys always makes his clips jam. Are they them cci fragmentation bullets?

Edited by tomhw100
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if he is looking at you eyes on, id say 120yd minimum


side of no sight of eyes not too good say 40yd ish



Your scope choice is of paramount importance with the NS200, many more costly rifle scopes have several optical coatings which actually work against you when using the NS200. The best compromise between daylight and NS200 use I've found thus far is the MTC Genesis although many rate the MTC Mamba (not tried it myself).


Put it this way, I've head shot rabbits out to 140 yards and can spot them much further quite clearly, fox at 160 plus? I would say, no problem.

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i have no doubt youl see and shoot further only reason i say this is that the shoot i use this on isnt that large, i can see street lamps 1km away with ease! and buildings trees in pitch black well out past 300yds thats no issues but just not had an oportuntity to use it out further,


also i have only tried it out on an mtc viper but got a bushnell legend what i will try when i get a chance as just using a laser designator on that at the moment.

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