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cut pad

remy 700

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Same problem myself, with my ess dog, cut pad and doesn't look like it is healing, do those creams help the process???


If its a stopper pad it wont........ go to the vets and get it stitched (but change dressings yourself, ours charge £17 per go :o )


I could be wrong but I think the glue the vets use is a surgical variant......... feel free to correct me

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If it is not to deep dissolve a tea spoon full of Potassium – permanganate crystals in a jar and dip its foot in it a cpl of times a day. It hardens the pad.

Used it for many years on Hounds feet if they get foot sore from road work, hardens their feet up

(Hot water, leave to cool. Use outside, don’t get it on you or the carpet wont come of)

Edited by Actionpigeons
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Last time my dog cut his pad the vet said to clean it very well and use antiseptic spray or salted water to clean it then let it dry out. Don't put creams on it because it will never dry and harden up. Keep it clean and put a boot/dressing on if need be.





yup thats the best advice so far, I've had one nasty one that she went to the vet for and that got stapled and she un stapled it that evening despite a buster collar boot and bandage. After that it was just keep clean rest as much as possible bandage, dressing and boot till it sorted itself out. If bad you may need anti biotics but depends how clean you got it to start and kept it. The few more minor ones have just been kept clean and healed on their own, the issue with DIY and superglue comes if you glue a foreign body in there and then it can't get out and you've made it far worse.

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had a show bitch cut her pad badly , It was 10 days before a show, I took advice from a lady who`d had labs for forty years she said use FRIARS BALSAM, apply to pad several times a day with a brush or your finger, if sqeamish pour into a jar/jug and dip dogs foot in,


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Most of these heel themselves if kept clean. They can bleed a lot and may need a dressing for a day or two.


Superglue is different to the proper surgical skin glues, they are a different polymer that causes less reaction. Superglue has been around a lot longer than its use as a skin glue. That said I have used good old Loctite, but you can do a lot more harm than good gluing a wound that is not clean. I would not recommend it in lay hands and certainly not in a dirty environment (outside).


If the wound is not heeling the chances are infection is complicating things or the cut is very large and unstable. BIG guts are about the only ones I ever suture. They don't do well with sutures.

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