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urgent advice


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the problem is where i shoot there is an illegal Gypsy site,they have one caravan and have people staying over night,the feilds she uses should be for live stock not horses,we have phoned council many times and nothing gets done,we have also informed the rspca of the cruelty we have witnessed.she has recently got 3 dobermans that run loose over her 25 acres and they are starting to explore my 600 acre shoot,i have asked her politely can she keep the dogs in at night,apart from rood answer from her boyfreind the answer is no THEY ARE PROTECTING MY LAND, i spoke to the farmer about this and his views are simple he got young calves in the area and would not hesitate to shoot them if they were harassing them or if they were going to attack him.i really need some views on this problem because i don't want to become the hunted if you no what i mean.will i be within my rights if the wosre came to the worse,will i loose my fac.help help.

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This came up a while back, it may be worth doing a search. But seriously I wouldnt start pointing your rifle at anything apart from your quarry. You'll land yourself in a world of trouble if not.


Be safe and phone BASC for guidance and advice, if the farmer is intent on such protection, leave it to him, after all it is his livestock. You don't want to get caught up in this.

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If they are renting the land, its hardly an "illegal Gypsy site".


Don't get personally involved, is the best advice.

Its not your land and its not your livestock.


The Farmer (or whoever owns the land you shoot over) should contact the person who rented them the field and tell them of the problems of the loose dogs.

He could also contact the Police and the Council Dog Warden about the dogs, if he considers them a threat to his livestock.

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If the dogs get close enough mate, put them to sleep, if there facing you its better, say they were coming to attack you. Better still loose the evidence! Shush i never said that.


In reality though mungler's right for once, fax or email basc, but if something should happen to a dog i wouldn't say it was a case of mistaken identity, that might be cause to have licence revoked, as you must always identify your quarry! :good:

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If the dogs get close enough mate, put them to sleep, if there facing you its better, say they were coming to attack you. Better still loose the evidence! Shush i never said that.



strange advice coming from a dog man.


quite right Mark, not the sort of advice for a shooting forum realy




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First thing first...


The problem with the dogs - Gypsies will NOT allow dogs to be kept inside their carravans, they class them a UNCLEAN and therefore will not allow them to be locked up inside.


This is from a Police officer who works with them.


Gypsies will often buy land out in the sticks and put carravans on them due to local councils not providing "transit" sites. They will then put in hard standing and services, and then apply to the council for planning permission in a "retrospective" application.


They will then take it all the way to the European courts. Human rights etc etc.


Gypsies and Travelers are protected by the racial equality laws, and believe it or not, they are the bottom of the chain.......


Would you see your local councilors standing up in public forums ranting and raving and trying to ban other ethnic communities from coming into your neighbourhoods........


I agree, some are a bad bunch,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they leave the place in a right state......Crime levels go up etc etc...


Contact your local constabulary, they will have a "travelers" officer. Let me know where you are based and I will see if I can find a contact for you from our local business community officer.

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There's plenty of laws governing the worrying of livestock by dogs and you can legally shoot such an animal (better prove it first). There's nothing 'illegal' about gypsies they have more right's than the rest of us mind you for gypsies read ****** as really romany gypsies aren't generally such a problem.


and who the hell is Bertie???

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