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  • 2 weeks later...

Umm, are you *sure* about that? I thought Fareham was fibre only.








Im not much of a clay shooter, and I have only been there twice..........


From the ''Home'' page of their website ;


''Cartridge information: 24/28 gram loads only, Plastic/Fibre wad, max shot size No 7. No home loads''





Unless you know differant and the website needs updating :hmm:

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I seem to remember spotting this m'self but never being able to remember to tell them about it.


On the other hand, I *also* seem to remember seeing plaswads littering the

ground following a comp a year or to ago. (Special dispensation for comps?)


I still think it's fibre only but I'll see if I can confirm this.





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We managed to bump into Chaos on the way round.....


Next time we need to all wear pink carnations or the like to make sure of the meet up!


Blisteringly hot, i was the sweaty mess and only managed 45, losing it on the back 5 stands.....


Jeffers managed a healthy 62 though, which was nice

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We managed to bump into Chaos on the way round.....


Ah, yes - the hat gave me away, didn't it?


I must apologise to you and Jeff for not appearing at the post-shoot drinkies. Not only were m'Posse impatient to *start* shooting, but they were keen to get going afterwards, as well.


Next time we need to all wear pink carnations or the like to make sure of the meet up!


Bloody good idea. Do they *do* Pigeon Watch hats (in high-vis colours)? I'll have to look into this.


Blisteringly hot, i was the sweaty mess and only managed 45, losing it on the back 5 stands.....


Jeffers managed a healthy 62 though, which was nice


I gotta say that my first impression were that Jeff was going to turn in a good score. Whereas, The Posse's best was my cousin's score of 36/80 - we all struggled today but *my* excuse was that I had *exactly* the wrong gun to use for clay bustin'. (That's my excuse and I'm *sticking* to it.)


oops just seen this sorry to miss out, would have been a warm day out, will keep my eye open for further meets


I definitely think that another Eyeball would be a good idea. *Next* time, I'll come on my *own*. (Any *other* time, I'd have trouble rustling up a Posse of *one*; today, they *all* decides to turn up..)


Anyway, it was nice to put at least *two* faces to (user)names. I hope to see y'all in the not-too-distant future.






P.S. Me and FCOR* Sam had a go at the Flush. We were *carp*... I've discovered that m'gun likes to be pointed slightly "downhill" to load it easily and, of course, that's exactly what you *can't* do in them thar metal cages. (T'was still bloodigoodfun, though.)


* First Cousin Once Removed - that is, my cousin's nipper.

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Eskoky.... Sorry we didn't catch up with you.... If it helps I had the joy of standing at the front of the club house calling out...Is there anyone from Pigeon watch here... ?Were you the chap walking around on you own with round specs on.... who had 2 "larger" blokes trap for you on stand 5 I think it was?

Couldn't find my PW badge this morning, knew I should have looked harder, anway nice to meet you Mark. Even nicer to beat Happy pig! Here to another outing soon. Cheers Jeff

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