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Entertaining vid of remote control helicopter


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Okay, I am not into remote controlled stuff at all. Grown up people with (1) no kids (2) a full driving/motorbike licence (3) enough of an income to buy a half interesting / tidy car and who yet choose to drive remote controlled cars are IMHO a little odd (you know the score, Red Dwarf T-shirt, blue jeans 6" too short hanging high up off some very white trainers).


Remote controlled airstuff, I can understand that a bit more.




However, I am guessing you have to give up a large chunk of your life (probably including friends, beer and woman) to get this good.


Crazy stuff 2 mins in.

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I thought it was better at around the 6 minute mark and after. Before this time it appeared like he didnt really have control and it was just tumbling around although it must take gr8 control to do that. Pitty you cant grasp the actuall height he took it to as it would be interestiong to know how high it could go.



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Okay, I am not into remote controlled stuff at all. Grown up people with (1) no kids (2) a full driving/motorbike licence (3) enough of an income to buy a half interesting / tidy car and who yet choose to drive remote controlled cars are IMHO a little odd (you know the score, Red Dwarf T-shirt, blue jeans 6" too short hanging high up off some very white trainers).


Remote controlled airstuff, I can understand that a bit more.




However, I am guessing you have to give up a large chunk of your life (probably including friends, beer and woman) to get this good.


Crazy stuff 2 mins in.


It is geeky (I do it too), and he is good, not that good though. Some kids are doing some of those things after six months, its the gaming generation - such awareness of space and hand eye co-ordination. Not slaggin ade off btw, he's a lot better than I am :friends: In our club we are spoilt with UK and Scottish champions in various diciplines (fixed and rotary) so I am used to seeing flying of the very finest order.


Check out http://www.3dmasters.org.uk/ for the real pros.


Mung: it is expensive, but not that expensive, does take dedication but as with all things there is a balance. Sure there are people like you describe in the hobby, but there are in any hobby. I will admit though the sport has a very geeky image and a the public perception is pretty much as you say.


Farmerguy: Range is about 2 miles give or take, though you wouldn't in practice go much higher than you can see the 'copter - 400 feet or so is plenty. Technically it is against the Air Navigation Order (ANO) to fly a small aircraft (what models are classed as) higher than 400 feet without permission. I am not saying publicly how high I have been :drinks:

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Dazza: one to do that stuff is pricy, but they start from about say £450 all in (thats all the **** you need to fill it, start it and do basic maintenance). His ship there, hard to say what toys and upgrades he's got on it, but anything from £600+ (could be 1000+).


Mungler: the first thing one of my clay clubs said when they found out was "can you make something cheap and fly it and we shoot it?" :drinks:


If you wanna do it and video it I will set it up and fly it mate. Not that I think you are serious for a second, but if you are I have most of the other stuff you need (all the stuff thats not in the heli, and all the tools and experience you need to put one together and make it fly) so it would be a lot cheaper :friends:


I'd love to see a video of someone doing some flying then 5 people step up with 3 shot autos and nock the ****e out of it - that would seriously kick **** :drinks:

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Dazza: one to do that stuff is pricy, but they start from about say £450 all in (thats all the **** you need to fill it, start it and do basic maintenance). His ship there, hard to say what toys and upgrades he's got on it, but anything from £600+ (could be 1000+).


Mungler: the first thing one of my clay clubs said when they found out was "can you make something cheap and fly it and we shoot it?" :drinks:


If you wanna do it and video it I will set it up and fly it mate. Not that I think you are serious for a second, but if you are I have most of the other stuff you need (all the stuff thats not in the heli, and all the tools and experience you need to put one together and make it fly) so it would be a lot cheaper :friends:


I'd love to see a video of someone doing some flying then 5 people step up with 3 shot autos and nock the ****e out of it - that would seriously kick **** :drinks:



Would it burst into flames?

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The style of flying is called "3D" - and the finale was an inverted auto rotation with a backflip at the bottom. To the untrained eye it looks like a load of faffing around, but everthing he did there were well executed manouvres performed in the 3d masters event. That is the worlds best pilots competing for the ultimate acolade. Most of these pilots have lost thousands of pounds in crashes and all at this level would be sponsored.


More on this here: http://www.3dmasters.org.uk/


I was too old and too slow to get any good at this emerging style ...and retired from it about 10 years ago, having been a producer of fibreglass blades for them. I have a mk 1 raptor helicopter for sale, without transmitter or starting kit for a mere £250. That is actually a bit too good for shooting out the sky as it has a piezo gyro and coreless servos in it. But it looks like pin has got all the rest of the stuff. (JR gear on board)

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Guest jonrms

Pin, if I still had mine I would have let you have it to just watch it get shot... only thing.. i crashed it... and you know the type.. (black bin) so bad that nothing was able to be saved apart from the cell pack. and a couple of un-important items...


My only concern (like i have one) is that if you shoot it..... you have to ensure that you put a fail safe mechinism to cut all power to the engine so it drops like a brick.... otherwise someone can become seriously injured! you know what i mean! I hope!!!!



anyway good luck.. will love to watch one get shot down... only because I spend thousands on mine.. and thats just replacing parts left right and centre!!!!!

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The style of flying is called "3D" - and the finale was an inverted auto rotation with a backflip at the bottom. To the untrained eye it looks like a load of faffing around, but everthing he did there were well executed manouvres performed in the 3d masters event. That is the worlds best pilots competing for the ultimate acolade. Most of these pilots have lost thousands of pounds in crashes and all at this level would be sponsored.


More on this here: http://www.3dmasters.org.uk/


I'm guessing you didn't read post #4 then :friends:


If anyone wants to see the guys who won the masters, have a look here http://www.runryder.com/helicopter/rrTV-Ph...ontest/3DM2006/


I aint shooting a raptor with coreless servos in it, thats a total waste :drinks: I am sure I could find an old bag of **** like a kyosho lump or a sceadu or something :drinks: PM me the spec dave if you want to get rid :drinks:

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Technically it is against the Air Navigation Order (ANO) to fly a small aircraft (what models are classed as) higher than 400 feet without permission. I am not saying publicly how high I have been :friends:


this is only true if the model weighs more than 7 kgs. models weighing less than this are not classed as a small aircraft and has no such limitation :drinks:

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Pin - yea, read it but I did'nt follow your link... sorry mate.


I post on RR too occasionaly :drinks:


I aint got now't you cant get closer to where you live - and the piezo aint owt fancy :friends:


There's 3 engines to go with it... ones I removed from space baron's to replace with tuned motors for drag racing... beat Mr. Whitney once at a schluter cup :drinks:


Anyway - how long have you been into it and did you try any G-BLADES? :drinks:

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Technically it is against the Air Navigation Order (ANO) to fly a small aircraft (what models are classed as) higher than 400 feet without permission. I am not saying publicly how high I have been :drinks:


this is only true if the model weighs more than 7 kgs. models weighing less than this are not classed as a small aircraft and has no such limitation :drinks:


I think you will find that changed in 1996 when the CAA issued CAP658. All models are now considered small aircraft, however since this is a pigeon shooting site I was generalising :friends:. You are correct that models under 7kg are not restricted in terms of the height at which they can fly (ATZ / ATC approval notwithstanding). Over 7kg you can only exceed 400ft AGL inside controlled airspace with ATC approval or with a CAA exemption certificate.

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I know my cousins clay shoot have a special day where they all have a go at a rather large foam delta with a greaser stuck out the front. They get points for popping targets on the wings, and more points for bringing the whole thing down! He doesn't do anything special with it, just circles on a knife edge.


And that 400 foot ruling is AGL isn't it? - some of the slopes I fly from are 3 times higher than that :friends:


I've been flying for 18 years, had a dabble with the old egg-beaters 3 or 4 years ago (Raptor 60) and got as far as nose-in hover. Then sold the lot as I remembered I still hate greasers and fly slope / thermal gliders only these days



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I know my cousins clay shoot have a special day where they all have a go at a rather large foam delta with a greaser stuck out the front. They get points for popping targets on the wings, and more points for bringing the whole thing down! He doesn't do anything special with it, just circles on a knife edge.


And that 400 foot ruling is AGL isn't it? - some of the slopes I fly from are 3 times higher than that :drinks:


I've been flying for 18 years, had a dabble with the old egg-beaters 3 or 4 years ago (Raptor 60) and got as far as nose-in hover. Then sold the lot as I remembered I still hate greasers and fly slope / thermal gliders only these days






Not a mini-pike there in the back, with a small wildthing in military colours there is it? I don't recognise the big fella, but there are so many sailplanes like that it could be :friends:


I fly at ivingho on the downs, devils dyke near brighton and places like that. Flown a bit in wales too, the wrecker and places like that, very scary :yahoo:



o im smiling.


when i was at school we had the chess club and the physics club fer people such as yerselves :drinks:


I didn't got to skool much myself :good:

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yup - tis the 1.5m version. Mine isn't the full blown carbon version though thats specifically built for DS - just an all glass version. Next purchase will be the 1.9 full carbon though after payday I feel!


What speed did you get? most I've ever managed on DS as pushing 128mph, with an OD glass racer which comes out on special occasions.

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