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Despite losing some lard, the doc has put me on Primvastatin and Metformin. My numbers have come down but not enough to date so he sees this as a precauion. Driving 35-40k a year does not help, nor does having no willpowere lol.

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Hope some ones warned you about the one big side effect of metfartin, and your freinds are understanding. :D


There is one advantage and a disadvatage of being on tablets. The advatage is that you no longer need to pay for your perscriptions, though you need to apply for the exemtion certifficate. The disadvantage is you need to inform DVLA & your insurance co, DVLA will send you a form to fill in and as you are on tablets normally there are no restrictions. If on insulin your licence is reduced to a 3 yearly one.


You should also get free eye tests, the optician will require a form 10, which they will probally sort out for you, if not your doctors should be able to sort this out for you if the option does not.



Edit corrected details below as appears things have changed.


Looks like things have changed, only need to tell DVLA depending on your type of licence and type of diabetes and when other conditions appear.










Edited by BerettaSV10
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Despite losing some lard, the doc has put me on Primvastatin and Metformin. My numbers have come down but not enough to date so he sees this as a precauion. Driving 35-40k a year does not help, nor does having no willpowere lol.


You'll be fine Keg...


I've been on Pravastatin for a couple of years now.. no shakes other than having to pop a pill every night! My father in law has a valid argument against statins and high cholesterol though... the bar against which the y measure your cholesterol levels is that of a 21 year old.... Am I supposed to have the same cholesterol levels as someone less than half my age?! Nothing else seems to stack up to how it was when I was 21... why should my cholesterol levels :hmm::lol:

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The statins do help bring the cholesterol levels down, just had my results and just over 4, not too bad for a old codger.


7.8 down to 4.6 with the Pravastatin... also pop a 75mg enteric coated asprin (on advice of doc) this has also now been proven to significantly lower the risk of several types of bowel cancer so happy with that!

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I'm on Metfartin for DB type 2, no-one has advised me I need to advise DVLC or insurance, and why whould that be the case?



Looks like things have changed, only need to tell DVLA depending on your type of licence and type of diabetes and when other conditions appear.









Edited by BerettaSV10
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Thanks for your kind words chaps, i f**t like a horse normally so no one will notice anything there. I am 46 in october, just as a guide how old are you all?.


Rupert, you scoff all the buns anyway, although your much better half makes a mean sausage and egg butty!.

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I have a poss alternative solution




I did it successfully and list over 7 Stone in 6 months


I heard of several diabetics (not sure on type) who were taken off meds 1/2 way through as didn't need then any more


Also you end you healthier and lighter.


will power is only tested for 1 week as after then the carb withdrawal goes and you just get on with it.


Good luck either way

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Thanks for that mate.


Someone asked about age: I'm 60 and only very recently got diagnosed type 2 as a result of blood tests for something else.

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Thanks for that mate.


Someone asked about age: I'm 60 and only very recently got diagnosed type 2 as a result of blood tests for something else.



I am nearly 55, been type 2, diagnosed many many years ago. What was annoying though, was the lack of information given and what you need to know about the illness and all the checks / monitering you need or not need to do.


1. Free eye test every 12 months or sooner if eyes deteriate, the optician will probally ask for a form 10, they should tell you how to get this or they will do it for you.


2. Eyes photographed at hospital ever year to check blood vessal / other damage (some opticians also do this as well so you get to have it done twice) Just don't drive for several hours afterwoods.


3. Annual feet inspections (or 6 monthly if they deam the shorter span), should include nerve damage checks.


4. Free perscriptions if you are on tablets or insulin, via a certifficate of medical exemption (renewable every 5 years), unless you already qualify for free perscriptions.


5. Annual Diabetic review, should be by a specialised diabetic nurse seams to have been ignored at my docs as they have not had a specialist nurse for several years.


6. Annual fasting (no food or drink except water for 12 hours before testing) blood tests for cholesteral level, blood suger level (traces you level for the past 3 months)


7. Annual flue jab as you are now on the at risk of catching flu register, unlees you are allergic to eggs.


8. Constant pricking your finger to check your suger levels, I found this meter to be good as the test srips are foil sealed for longer life, as some packs expire 30 days after opening the container. http://www.abbottdiabetescare.co.uk/your-products/freestyle-optium With type 2 can get conflicting advice on how often one should test yourself.


You can get one for free from the following site




If your lancet holder device supports the BD micro-fine + lancet can recomend it as it has the thinist needle for jabing the finger @ only 0.2mm other can be around .33mm.


9. Keep an eye out on injuries to your feet / legs as they might not heal, and will need doctors intervention.


10. Unfortunately you now may well secome more easily to other illnesses.


11. Check the DVLA web site & insurance to see if / when notifiable.

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Thanks for all the replies guys, guess i am angry with myself for putting the weight on in the first place. Hopefully by cutting out bread which is my biggest sin and concentrating on portion size the weight will start to come down.


Stupid thing is that mine was only picked up when i had a bug and had a blood test. Feel fine genrally, high BO runs in the family but i do not smoke and rarely drink these days.


It could be a lot lot worse when i read some of the threads that members post about sudden deaths and illnessesin families, should not moan at all really

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im 33 and type 1 diabetic. dvla have now taken my hgv and my driving licence is now a 3 year one.


I am currently fighting not to take the statins and trying to get the colestrial down by diet alone as last test i was 7.8 (too high)


Diabetes is a pain if you let it take over your life

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im 33 and type 1 diabetic. dvla have now taken my hgv and my driving licence is now a 3 year one.


I am currently fighting not to take the statins and trying to get the colestrial down by diet alone as last test i was 7.8 (too high)


Diabetes is a pain if you let it take over your life



I was checked for diabetes and doc said I was all clear of it, then shortly afterwoods went back as was drinking fluids like theres no tomorrow and was confirmed with type 2.


I had my driving licence restricted with several catagories of vehicle removed, and reduced to a 12 monthly licence due to secondary conditions and lost it for around 12 months. It took ages to get the 12 monthly restriction removed and several hospital and doctors reports.


With the statins I had to give into them as the numbers wearnt coming down quick enough. If you go on statins there are various different ones and each have different side affects. Worth keeping a eye out for any effects as the doc can change you over to a different one.


As you say diabetes is a pain and if possable don't let it take over your life, just can get fed up with the seconary conditions and there perminent affects they can have, especially as I closely monitored my suger level and were always within the lower end of the acceptable range of between 5 to 7 ocassionally hitting 10. Now hitting anywhare between 4 and 15 and doc says there is no problem :( time perhaps to find a new doctor.

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I have to thank my lucky stars because at 68 I am not diabetic but do have high blood pressure but on pill - also my last cholestrol count was 5.7 and I weighed in at 10s 4lb -- due to cutting out double cream -ice cream - biscuits - cakes - puddings - crisps -chocolate -and anything else that's nice I weighed 9s 7lb this morning after 6 months - Got blood test on monday after went to see Doc - he gave me the rubber covered finger and put prostate on list to check - finger test was ok he said - here's hoping.


I shall be a bit peed if cholestrol is same.



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I was checked for diabetes and doc said I was all clear of it, then shortly afterwoods went back as was drinking fluids like theres no tomorrow and was confirmed with type 2.


I had my driving licence restricted with several catagories of vehicle removed, and reduced to a 12 monthly licence due to secondary conditions and lost it for around 12 months. It took ages to get the 12 monthly restriction removed and several hospital and doctors reports.

With the statins I had to give into them as the numbers wearnt coming down quick enough. If you go on statins there are various different ones and each have different side affects. Worth keeping a eye out for any effects as the doc can change you over to a different one.


As you say diabetes is a pain and if possable don't let it take over your life, just can get fed up with the seconary conditions and there perminent affects they can have, especially as I closely monitored my suger level and were always within the lower end of the acceptable range of between 5 to 7 ocassionally hitting 10. Now hitting anywhare between 4 and 15 and doc says there is no problem :( time perhaps to find a new doctor.



Im type 2 and hold a class 1 HGV licence, DVLA know all about it, I have a letter from them confirming they know all about my condition, no restrictions on length of licence either,


usual 5 years on HGV because of age and car runs out when im 70



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Ah well im glad im not alone as i to was diagnosed type 2 this very week 8ummer .

Keep the info coming guys finding it quite revealing cheers Bm :blush:


One problem with diabetes that it appears to affect every one if different ways, some it its attacks the eyes others the feet / legs and related illnesses. Until I got diabetes I rarely saw the docs, since getting it some tmes feels like I am never away from the place, and different docs give different advice / information about the same thing.


Origionally I was given the urine test strips to monitor the B.S. and soon got feed up with them and changed to a meter. Then main thing get the numbers right, ideally between 5 and 7, never above 10 and never below 4 and keep them right. Set up a monitoring pattern that suits yoursself (with insulin will need a more regimented approach, though stand to be corrected on this).


At first I used to monitor myself about 4 times a day until I was stable then once a day, a few of years ago was told really only need to monitor when feeling rough (BIG mistake). I got out of practice of checking often enough and missed the signs suger levels were getting random, yet the overall annual tests showed only a very slight rise.


Possably as a result of this or its just part of the illness I now have addittional diabetic illnesses, which one can be a right pain and pain is the deffinetely the word.

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I was diagnosed with type 2 on the medical to renew my HGV /PSV , I had no symptoms. I'm not particularly over weight and the doctors think it may have been caused by strong courses of steroids ten years ago. I've no license restrictions, although I doubt I'll renew them when I'm 60 as I haven't used them for years.

I had a few problems when first diagnosed because of mis information from my GP, I find the diabetic nurse the best source of information. If your not sure ask and don't be afraid to question anyone.

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