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Wildfowling semi's (Winchester SX3 or Beretta Urika 2)


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I'd probably plump for the Winchester out of those two, simply because of the 3.5" chamber.


You might be lucky and find an Xtrema within your budget, probably the best semi-auto for the marsh imho.


Here we go:



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For me out of them 2 it would be the urika ! I was looking at a sx3 till i handled one and it felt very cheap, not like a hatsan granted but maybe you should also consider Benelli and also consider pump actions aswell ! :good:


I know what you are saying, i would describe it as more agricultural with no bells or whistles. That is why i choose it for out on the marsh :lol: :lol:

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I have used an SX3 for about three years now. had a few failed ejections due to overly long 3 1/2" remmington nearly 1/4" longer than gamebores (which are fine) that said maybee 5% failure rate on the Remmington?

Been well muddied up droped in saltwater etc numerous times, i take it apart in a couple mins as i get home and clean it lube it and its good to go again. light 2 1/2" loads too "its only suposed to do 2 3/4" up but seems to work fine.

big question is will it fit and feel right for him?

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I'm after an sx3 for the marsh, what's the perma-cote UT finish like on it? Would you say it'd protect it against the salt water?


I chatted to a man from Browning and asked what he thinks would be most resistant to corrosion, we looked at the camo coating which i am always dubious on as all the other camo coatings i have come across wear badly and this looked to be the same, the black version didn't look like it would stand up to salt water so i went for the normal synthetic version with the grey barrel.

Early impressions are good, and it does appear to be very tough.

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I've owned both and the SX3 wins every time, the Beretta felt clunky and didn't mount well whereas the SX3 came up easily, pointed well and never jammed! The U2 jammed 5 times in the 2 weeks I had it, all using 30g 6 Lyvale Expresses



The Maxus is like the high end version of the SX3 so if you want a U2 look at the Maxus too or a Benelli if you can find a second hand one (theres a SBE2 in the FS)

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I chatted to a man from Browning and asked what he thinks would be most resistant to corrosion, we looked at the camo coating which i am always dubious on as all the other camo coatings i have come across wear badly and this looked to be the same, the black version didn't look like it would stand up to salt water so i went for the normal synthetic version with the grey barrel.

Early impressions are good, and it does appear to be very tough.

That sounds good! it seems like a good idea especially for a fowling gun to have a good, strong corrosion resistant coating on I personally think.

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