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What's this bird?


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troglodytes troglodytes...


Not that rare in fact...numbers down in the last two or three winters though...


Very badly effected by Winter Cold, it decimates the population...


Buzzards dont eat them,


Wood pigeon is possibly the commonest bird in Britain currently, followed by Chaffinch and Blackbird..



Edited by Fisherman Mike
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It's definitely a wren.


Its a wren they are getting quit rare these days


No they're not rare. They are one of the most numerous birds in Britain. You just don't see them often, because they stay in undergrowth close to the ground. Sometimes, if you only get a glimpse, you can mistake them for mice!

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It's a wren but I find it funny how people are saying they are rare? They are actually the most numerous bird in Britain!!



You`ve just got to look for them. I moved our feeders away from outside the kitchen window because of the mice, now we often see a wren flitting around in the Fuchsias beneath the feeders picking up the dropped seeds and bits.

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Jenny Wren was a short story by Charles Dickens.


Not sure about the two fingers though? :hmm:



Maybe best not to ask. :lol:



As a youngster collecting eggs :oops: two fingers was all you could get in the entrance hole to see if there was any eggs inside , hence the two fingered jenny :P

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