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might lose my shooting rights


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hi i might end up losein the land i shoot on as there is a lad that shoots it as well and has been for 30years os so .the farmer gave me his number to ring him the other day to plan days out shooting with him so i was not tredding on his toes so i rang him and we pland a days shooting every thing was fine seemed canny at the end of the day we both had about 30 pigeons each and we had a good chat befor he went on his way he told me to ring him the next time i wanted to go out so i have been over the last few days and now he is saying its starting to **** him off that the farmer let me shoot on there and that i want to shoot on there he is telling me to go find some were els and to keep away . i have seen the farmer to let him no what is going on and asked him were i stand and if he could let me no asap .

what would you lads do ?????

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I hope the farmer will be annoyed that the other chap is treating the land like his own. It's up to the farmer who he allows on to shoot. I have to share my ground with umpteen other possible pigeon shooters some of whom don't seem to have a day job like I do, so I'm glad for what I can get. Is the ground big enough for 2 ... if he's going to field x can you go to field y ? What are the chances of you both wanting to be out at the same time anyway ?


Not much you can do, but I'd be inclined to keep shooting and just text the lad when & where you are from time to time. Or if you see him out there, go somewhere else.

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hi thanks for the reply yes the lad is big enf for us to as when we went out to gether he was in one field and i was about 3 fields down from him i am just hopin the farmer dose not tell me to keep off as well as that lad has been doing it for 30years or so and i have only be going for about 4 to 5 month

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At the end of the day the farmer owns the land, not this bloke, so just bring it up with the farmer and see what he says. I think the farmer will be quite annoyed, as its coming across as if this man thinks he owns the land, saying who can and can't shoot. Like Jim said, the chances of you both being out at the same time/day is pretty slim, especially if there is more than 1 field?

Edited by Stretch177
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hi i might end up losein the land i shoot on as there is a lad that shoots it as well and has been for 30years os so .the farmer gave me his number to ring him the other day to plan days out shooting with him so i was not tredding on his toes so i rang him and we pland a days shooting every thing was fine seemed canny at the end of the day we both had about 30 pigeons each and we had a good chat befor he went on his way he told me to ring him the next time i wanted to go out so i have been over the last few days and now he is saying its starting to **** him off that the farmer let me shoot on there and that i want to shoot on there he is telling me to go find some were els and to keep away . i have seen the farmer to let him no what is going on and asked him were i stand and if he could let me no asap .

what would you lads do ?????


You are not going to lose your 'shooting rights' as you don't have any.


Just ask the farmer if you can share the shooting with the other fellow and be prepared for a negative response.


If I was the other person involved I would be unimpressed too.

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why would you unimpressed as well ? and how dont i have the shooting rights ? the land owner gave the the rights to shoot on his land so that mean to me i have the rights to shoot there ..... am i right or wrong

Edited by alan1986
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I shoot a family friend's land. I am allowed to go where I like and I am respectful of his property. (I'd get a clip if I wasn't) I went for a walk with my gun the other day and as I returned to my van some bloke was there telling me he had the permission to shoot this field and I should do one. I told him so did I but he was irate and there was no talking to him.


I haven't mentioned it to the farmer as he's likely to bin the guy. My point is there are loads of people who think permission should be exclusive but it's not their land. If the farmer granted you permission to shoot HIS land through your enquiry don't worry what anybody else says about it.


Happy shooting. :shoot:

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I shoot a family friend's land. I am allowed to go where I like and I am respectful of his property. (I'd get a clip if I wasn't) I went for a walk with my gun the other day and as I returned to my van some bloke was there telling me he had the permission to shoot this field and I should do one. I told him so did I but he was irate and there was no talking to him.


I haven't mentioned it to the farmer as he's likely to bin the guy. My point is there are loads of people who think permission should be exclusive but it's not their land. If the farmer granted you permission to shoot HIS land through your enquiry don't worry what anybody else says about it.


Happy shooting. :shoot:


Well said

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I seem to recall there was a thread around the other week where a shooter was complaining that a new shooter had got onto the land he was used to shooting on by sweet talking the local farmer, so it’s interesting to see someone objecting from the other point of view.


I would suggest that you clarify exactly what permissions you have.

It’s not clear from your post.


If the farmer told you to speak to the main shooter to sort things out then it’s possible that he’s abdicated all responsibility for the shooting and just wants his current bloke to decide whether or not he’s happy to share.

It’s also possible the farmer wants you both on the land as more pest clearance is a good thing for him.

Whether it’s either of those or something different, it’s worth getting it clarified.

And get it in writing if you can.


I get the impression that shooting is a small community.

Also, that there are more shooters than there is land.

If you get on the wrong side of an experienced and well-known local shooter it might cause you problems with getting other permissions.


It might be worth giving the long time shooter a call and seeing if you can discuss things so that you can continue to shoot without annoying him.

Rather than going head to head with him – where the farmer might just tell you to go away – perhaps ask if there’s any help you can offer him, or if there are any days or times where it’s more convenient for you to shoot to avoid getting in his way.


Then again, if he’s been shooting there for 30 years he might be a bit old man and can’t keep up with clearing the pests, but he’s in denial about it.

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I seem to recall there was a thread around the other week where a shooter was complaining that a new shooter had got onto the land he was used to shooting on by sweet talking the local farmer, so it’s interesting to see someone objecting from the other point of view.


Getting a permission by charming the local farmer is how we all do it. Our permissions are not our land. Sometimes many shooters have permission for one field. If he'd been taken there as a guest on somebody elses permission then approached the farmer, that's different. :yes:

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i would not do that mate i work right next to it and on my way home from work i seen loads of pigeons on his rape seed so i poped in to see him about shooting on his land and he said yes noproblem and i have been shooting there for the last 4 to 5 month and never seen the othere lad till the farmer gave me his number

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One of the things that annoy me is that you wont see a soul all year round, then when the harvest arrives they're out in force.


Very difficult to plan your shooting when you don't know who's going to try and get to the fields ten minutes before you.



thats why the farmer gave me his number so we could make plans about it

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If someone sees a newcomer on their patch you're going to have a very hard time trying to convince them that it's a good thing because they will only ever see it from the point of view of losing some of what they saw as theirs.


And 'theirs' for thirty years by the sounds of it.

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I think it is jdog!...hahaha it's life the geezer has to put up and shut up,unless the lands his own or he has the 'official'. Shooting rights there's sod all he can do about it,don't get me wrong I think we would all be annoyed but thats just life like I said. Don't be put off by him mate he's just got sour grapes.

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jdog i take it you think the lad thats shoots there is right then ?


It is not a question as to whether the lad that shoots there is right or wrong.


I doubt that he has the 'shooting rights' ie a legal document, but it does sound as though he has had 'permission' from the farmer to shoot over the land for a long time.


Your recourse to all of this is back through the farmer. If he gives you 'consent' or 'permission' to shoot then there is nothing that anyone else can do about it. You will then have to make your peace with the bloke who has been shooting there, possibly uninterrupted, for many years.

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