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New or used 22 hornet ?


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If its a good price its well worth it.

Check the rifling ,and if the action and bolt are in good condition ,it should be fine.

A .22 hornet doesnt have extreme velocities like a .22-250,so barrel life should be very good


Nice will have a look about at second hand ones :) what about barrel lenght any ideas whats best have seen 18 to 24 inch so far not bothered about shooting from the car so space isn't an issue. Thanks.

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Thanks :) the reason I am asking is there isn't much choice of guns out there in hornet at the min so am looking at all the options to get the best gun I can. This will be my last spends for a bit as We are expecting our Lil one in January :) get the 410 on order he he :) Thank you any suggestions on witch gun would be best all round would be apreasiated.

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Hi all, I have been looking about at gun prices and I wondered if a used gun would be a sound investment as I am unsure if they can be shot out as to speak if so what to look f Thanks


Shooting a Hornet out via round count is hard but trashing a good bore via corrosion, lack of cleaning, incorrect cleaning etc is easy. you can get a New CZ 527 for around £600 ish, is it worth saving £150 or so? only you can answer that one. New rifles come with warranty and you can send them back


My Hornet barrel is 16" and shoots brilliantly no accuracy issues at all

have you put it over a chrono? what rounds? interested

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Ok 1 more question he he ;) what is a k hornet and is there any Benafit to having one over the normal version. Thanks everyone :)


Its the first improved case ever. shoulder is blown out and it gives extra capacity. Done before anything but labs had chronographs rarely will you gain more than 100fps. Often done when a gun wont shoot as you wouldn't do it to a tack driver better avoided IMO. Think it was Llyle Kilbourne? who invented it about 1950 ish

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Its the first improved case ever. shoulder is blown out and it gives extra capacity. Done before anything but labs had chronographs rarely will you gain more than 100fps. Often done when a gun wont shoot as you wouldn't do it to a tack driver better avoided IMO. Think it was Llyle Kilbourne? who invented it about 1950 ish


Ok pal thanks :) just waiting on the land to be re checked then it's shopping time :) I will have a look at a few guns I think I have heard a lot about the cz being very good. The Rouger m77 22 has had hit and miss reviews I think a few bad ones have got really shouted about . Not seen a browning a bolt for sale yet and only one anschutz. Will have about 600 to spend on the gun. Will think about everything else later on. Anything to avoid in people's experiences ? Thanks Karl.

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Ok pal thanks :) just waiting on the land to be re checked then it's shopping time :) I will have a look at a few guns I think I have heard a lot about the cz being very good. The Rouger m77 22 has had hit and miss reviews I think a few bad ones have got really shouted about . Not seen a browning a bolt for sale yet and only one anschutz. Will have about 600 to spend on the gun. Will think about everything else later on. Anything to avoid in people's experiences ? Thanks Karl.

yes, get the CZ what makes them shoot so good is the way the chamber is cut at the same time as the barrel is made this makes for perfect consenticity- its paramount in a Hornet and CZ are also quite tight chambered saving brass. rugers have thier chambers cut into barrel blanks off the shelf twist rates are wrong and chambers often wander. There being no shoulder this sends accuraccy to the dogs, its hit and miss if you get a ruger that shoots or not. I paid 630 for a brand new CZ 527 American screwcut about 12mnths ago, this model includes mounts for a 1" scope up to around 50mm objective

Edited by kent
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Nice will have a look about at second hand ones :) what about barrel lenght any ideas whats best have seen 18 to 24 inch so far not bothered about shooting from the car so space isn't an issue. Thanks.


I would suggest if you find a rifle that you like, do a google search of reviews of its performance regarding barrel length.

Some models will perform not so good in a shorter barrel(less velocity over say a 24" barrel)due to the powder not having enough time to fully burn before the bullet leaves the barrel.But this is not always the case.Some experts expect to lose around 1% of velocity for every 1" of shorter barrel.In my opinion this small amount of loss of velocity matters not.

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A gun will usually only be worth what you paid for it, so taking inflation into consideration then you would actually loose money on it. So don't buy a gun as an investment, better to buy gold.


However as a tool then by all means do it, Hornet is a nice round, not usually that accurate but good enough for a short/mid range rifle. I do have a CZ527 as suggested elsewhere and its a nice rifle. Be aware that there is a 17 version ( 17 Hornady Hornet) of it coming next year from Hornady based on the 17 Ackley Hornet. My 527 is an AH and its a sweet carry rifle. Buying used does carry risks as Kent pointed out, perhaps a agreement with the seller regarding accuracy or failing that go new.





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A gun will usually only be worth what you paid for it, so taking inflation into consideration then you would actually loose money on it. So don't buy a gun as an investment, better to buy gold.


However as a tool then by all means do it, Hornet is a nice round, not usually that accurate but good enough for a short/mid range rifle. I do have a CZ527 as suggested elsewhere and its a nice rifle. Be aware that there is a 17 version ( 17 Hornady Hornet) of it coming next year from Hornady based on the 17 Ackley Hornet. My 527 is an AH and its a sweet carry rifle. Buying used does carry risks as Kent pointed out, perhaps a agreement with the seller regarding accuracy or failing that go new.






I was thinking in more of durability terms to it being an investment nothing to do with money ;) thanks anyway I will prob go second hand to start with. Got a few to look at an m77 and a cz the stutzen one. Not in any hurry to buy so will see what feels right in the hands. Thanks again. Karl.

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Is that actually chroned by yourself?


Forced to ask the same in view of the 16" barrel. My 18" barrel on one rifle doesn't come anywhere near (but it's of no consequence) and even Hogdgon prefer H110 to Lil'Gun for 35grainers.


It may just pay to chrono it if you're in any way relying on that figure to predict trajectory.

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Ok pal thanks :) just waiting on the land to be re checked then it's shopping time :) I will have a look at a few guns I think I have heard a lot about the cz being very good. The Rouger m77 22 has had hit and miss reviews I think a few bad ones have got really shouted about . Not seen a browning a bolt for sale yet and only one anschutz. Will have about 600 to spend on the gun. Will think about everything else later on. Anything to avoid in people's experiences ? Thanks Karl.


I must say that I feel Kent can be quite forceful at times with his opinions (not a bad thing if you're always right). I believe he's being hyper critical of Ruger but that is just my opinion and is based on my experience with their NO 1 only. I've never shot any other model of that calibre from that brand range and 0.25" grouping at 90 yards does it for me. However, I appreciate that you probably/definitely do not want a single shot even if it has the advantage of a 1 in 14 twist especially as we're told it's wrong.


What I have shot is the Anschutz (which is no longer made as far as I can ascertain). For my money, if you've found one and it appears to be in good nick with the barrel untouched at 24", notwithstanding the apparently advantageous design of the CZ boring technigues I'd be inclined to look very, very closely at it - especially when it is later standing in my rifle cabinet!


Edit: Wording altered for clarity.

Edited by wymberley
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1431/32 23 inch barrel is the only one I have seen so far. Good nick 300 bar :) if its still there lol.


I may well be 1" out and can't recall the model number off hand. If 300 bar is 300 quid and it's in good nick, take the vendors hand off at the shoulder. The one I've shot is my oppo's so if you think you may be interested, post again and I'll bell him to check out the model number and barrel length.


Edit: There seems to be something funny going on with the pound symbol - not when typed but when actually posted.

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I may well be 1" out and can't recall the model number off hand. If 300 bar is 300 quid and it's in good nick, take the vendors hand off at the shoulder. The one I've shot is my oppo's so if you think you may be interested, post again and I'll bell him to check out the model number and barrel length.


Edit: There seems to be something funny going on with the pound symbol - not when typed but when actually posted.


Of course im interested :)


Thankyou very much.

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Hi Guys

Firstly I have the Anschutz 1432 EKSt in .22 Hornet which is only single shot it is topped with the Burris 4.5 - 14 X 42 it also has the 5039E set trigger and is very accurate but you are limited to single shots, the advantage is that you can have reloads with the bullet set out of the neck further, shoots one hole groups very nice and smooth too. :hmm: Set trigger is a dream to shoot as far as accuracy is concerned. No Mod on this Im affraid it would spoil the overal Rifles appearance , maybe in the future I may consider a over barrel Mae the Mini Target or something like that and thread the end 5/8" UNF. so removing very little metal from the barrel.


Secondly I have the Ruger 77/22 in .22 Hornet this is 6 shot rotary magazine and I have also a spare 6 shot magazine too Rifle basics trigger kit fitted set at just under a 1lb , its topped with the Nikkon 4 - 12 X 50 Scope the mounts have been polished and lined with a tough fabric weave tape to bed the scope into to stop the tube being marked and ade bedding in, the Sond mod on this is the Mae End Muzzle can nice and Quiet , I had the barrel shortened to 16" and recrowned . The Rifle has had the bolt polished and smoothed to make a more sleek opperating bolt with a lot less friction on opening and closing. :yahoo: Just to bed her in the near future with Devcon Plastic steel putty.


The Rifle shoots very well and holds more rounds than the Anschutz and she shoots well with the 35 Grain V Max loads with between 11.00 to 12.3 grains Max of Vit N110 @ just slightl over 3000 fps , but Im affraid the Anschutz has the edge on overall accuracy with its one hole group consistancy :shoot:again and again :thumbs:


I use Either Winchester PPU or remington brass , I would prefer Winchester brass if easy to obtain but theres nothing wrong with the PPU its good thick solid brass with slightly less volume. :wub:









Steve :good:

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No by the guy i bought it off and i had read his past posts about the rifle long before i bought it off him


Purely for your benefit and with due respect to the member who sold it, I would still be inclined to chrono it. With a bit of luck you may find someone local who has one and for the sake of half a dozen rounds you can rest easy.

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