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FAC and SGC appliactions.... un happy :(


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i applied for my FAC and SGC last October along with my father who applied for his FAC.


towards the end of may they finally come out for interviews which all went well.


about 1 month after the interviews with me and my father they rang u saying that my father had has his accept and that one of my referees was incorrect, so i had to send off a new one which i did, now i have been in touch with my local FEO and they have said that they have not yet recieved my last referee and that i should contact my referee making sure they sent the forms off.


i have been in contact with them and they assure me they sent the reference off about 3 weeks ago


Just been on the phone to them now and they still say that have not recived it.


tbh i getting quite annoyed at waiting and the fact they dont inform me if theres a problem, is there anything else i can do? besides keep contacting them? i dont realy want to send off another referees but i can see that being possible.


this is part a rant so sorry for that, but just wondering if anyone else has had problems like this?


thx solz

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Crikey October app and May interview!


What's your police authority?

Crikey October app and May interview!


What's your police authority?


Gloucester, thats not the most annoying part, the part that gets me is that 1 month after they interview me they tell me my referee is not accepatable :(


just been on the phone to them and having to resend off my referee again, ask the lady how long she thinks it would be after they recieve it and she said "it would be un professional for me to say" ....

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Gloucester, just brilliant. That's who I'm with.....

yep i havent been to happy with them


Collect the reference yourself and hand deliver it, you know it's done then.


are you allowed to hand deliver it yourself?

Edited by solz
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If it is in a sealed envelope, then why not? I have hand delivered shotgun purchase notifications when i have been a little lax in sending them and needed them there same day.


Why risk rocking the boat.

For the sake of one day why risk them picking up the fact that the OP had access to the reference. They could quite rightly reject it and cause even more delays.

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Get your reference resent, this time by recorded delivery. Then you can follow this up with another phone call once you know it has arrived.




This is what you need to do.


It might have got lost in the post, or it might have got lost in their system - it's very common for things to go astray. As to leaving it 1 month before contacting you, yes that's annoying - clearly their efficiency leaves much to be desired.

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This is what you need to do.


It might have got lost in the post, or it might have got lost in their system - it's very common for things to go astray. As to leaving it 1 month before contacting you, yes that's annoying - clearly their efficiency leaves much to be desired.


To be honest if they never got it how did they know it was overdue? Could have been the referee being reluctant (could still be).

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thanks for the advice, i will get it resent by recorded delivery


the referee i have known for a well, so i do trust them when they say it was sent, i imagine, as many have said, that it has got lost somewhere either in the post or their system.


think ill just have to sit and wait as per normal, is it best to phone them up a few weeks after it has been delivered to them? ( by confirmation of recorded delivery?) tbh i would be quite happy ring them up every day, but i think that might get on their nerves and the last thing i want to do is upset them



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To be honest if they never got it how did they know it was overdue? Could have been the referee being reluctant (could still be).


Well when you apply for a FAC the referee forms will be sent out at a similar time, within a couple of weeks of each other. As it took 7 months before he got to the interview stage, then a further month before they contacted him to say they didn't have it, that's 8 months from applying. Any efficient system where things are dealt with in a timely manor should never have got it to that stage - at least it should have come up when they started looking at his application and arranging the interview.


Yes it could be that it was never sent, I'm not blaming that force on this one as it may not be their fault, but they clearly are inefficient.


I too would give them a week after knowing they have received it. They might not have even opened it in that time, but phoning every week is not unreasonable.

Edited by bedwards1966
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yep i havent been to happy with them




are you allowed to hand deliver it yourself?


You're not supposed to see it again after you give it to the referee. It's so that he can say that you're a raving nut-job without you knowing. Not that you'd be daft enough to choose someone who'd say that but that's the system for you!



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Something you may wish to consider:




i applied for my FAC and SGC last October along with my father who applied for his FAC.


towards the end of may they finally come out for interviews which all went well.


about 1 month after the interviews with me and my father they rang u saying that my father had has his accept and that one of my referees was incorrect, so i had to send off a new one which i did, now i have been in touch with my local FEO and they have said that they have not yet recieved my last referee and that i should contact my referee making sure they sent the forms off.



http://www.homeoffic...pdf?view=Binary Page 50


10.7 A referee may be of any background

or occupation. A referee must be of good

character, whom the police may trust to give

honest replies to the questions contained on

the referee form (the referee is not required

to guarantee the applicant’s good behaviour).

10.8 Members of the applicant’s family may

not act as referees. In the absence of a

Court ruling, family is taken to mean the

following: mother; father; son; daughter;

sister; brother; aunt; uncle; grand parent and

mother/father/sister/brother in law. Cousins

are not regarded as immediate family but cohabiting

partners should be considered as

“family” for these purposes and not be

accepted. Serving police officers, police

civilian employees and registered firearms

dealers (but see paragraph 10.9) may not

act as referees.

Edited by HDAV
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