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Re: Oh my God & Airgun Poll


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Why did I even bother. Next time I'm in a gun shop and this happens , I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything , and im sure as hell not going to post anything about it. The best course of action is to burry your head in a bucket of sand and pretend you know nothing


Given the story you reported about the couple wanting to shoot intruders, and what else I know, I'd say you shouldn't do anything of the kind. I think that I as a respectable citzen would have felt obliged to say something like, 'You do realise that what you are proposing is a serious offence and that you are expressing an intent to commit that offence.' I would then ask the gun dealer if he intended to enter into their conspiracy to commit that offence by supplying the air rifle, but that's just me an ordinary citizen.


What I would not do is then go on to propose that because I had witnessed some individuals with bad intent, all Englishmen should be prevented from buying an air rifle unless they can satisfy the local constabulary that they are fit and proper citizens. You see mate, the English law has a presumption that we are innocent until we demonstrate that we are not.


Now I don't want to offend Peltman who is obviously a fan, but where Blair goes wrong is that he and his vile party are quite prepared to remove such presumptions from minority groups like shooters, because it is popular - not because it is effective or anything, which we know it wouldn't be, but because it would help disguise the state of ruin that every branch of the Home Office is now in. What hs the Home Office got right in the last twenty years? Tell me ONE thing. Instead of doing something about all the pond life, why not ACT in some senseless but popular way against an unpopular group - trample all over their fundamental rights just so that they can hide the miserable failure to catch tha actual offenders and punish them properly - eh? Yes that's the slimy Labour 'spin' ticket mate.


By the way - one other thing Mimic - one might like to ask why this couple ever conceived of the thought that they had to shoot at intruders with an airgun..... Could it be that they had like many reported minor crime, over and over again and been left high and dry by the 'need to prioritise crimes' so that only murder and mayhem actually get dealt with? What does that say to the average citizen? In my book, it says, 'Sort it out yourself mate, because we don't think it's important.'


Meanwhile - the Chavs rule and they will until we change the government and societies tolerance of welfare sucking , criminal parasites instead of hiding under the stone of swamping ordinary free men and women with burocracy and having a permit to breathe.......


Don't get me started or I might get cross.... ;)

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Could it be that the "intruder" as she so eloquently called it could have been a rat? Or a squirrel? Or a magpie? .....the list goes on, and that she would be perfectly within her rights to despatch said intruder?


Well, I guess if she was asked she could have explained herself and everyone could have had a right old laugh when it became obvious that was what she was on about.


I think I would have made a comment myself, but then at the gunsmith I use everyone cracks away anyway whether they're shooters, fishermen or just people buying prezzies for friends or rellies.

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I started a poll to back this argument up, by and large it is but we are somewhat biased and generally law abiding citizens anyway.


The reasons people commit crime vary, necessity is probably the major reason for serious crimes, but by and large people will commit a crime :-


If they think they have a reasonable chance of not being caught

If caught they know the punishment is laughable / law not correctly enforced


Air gun crime falls into that bracket. Its not seen as serious by thugs/chavs/neds whatever you want to call them. They are percieved to be "toys" by these people and the law is never enforced to bring any of these people to book for thier crimes.


I could use £200,000 right now, winning the lottery or stealing it are the only realistic ways I have of obtaining this sum in any reasonable timeframe. I won't consider stealing it because I have far too much to loose if I was caught, and the penalties for doing so deter me from even considering it.


Now, with the prospect of the law not being enforced, what deterrant has the above yob got for not going out and shooting at people / cows / windows etc? NONE, none at all.


Firstly he will likely not be caught. Even if he is the penalty he can expect is nothing to him. He probably can't pay the fine, but what use is a fine?


The law is there now to bring these people to book for these things, but it is not being done. In my view the actions to take would be :-


o Campaign / Amnesty for air guns to be handed in (gets some off the streets)

o Publicise and CARRY THROUGH with the propper punishments for offences commited


If the punishment is harsh and the chances of being caught are high, not many people would do it I am telling you.


40hrs community service which you won't end up doing and a fine you won't pay? Don't make me laugh.


5 yrs mandatory sentance in a propper prison, you'd think twice no matter how thick you were.

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Just for the record i am most certainly not a Fan of Blairs. He has LOST THE PLOT. :o

But unlike most my biggest hate for Blair is his support of Bush & our Foreign policy's.

Should the "terrorist" acts of others take the lifes of any of my Family there will only one Person i will holding accountable that will be Blair ;)



Just for MIDGE


Last night i met a Cannibal with 1 arm & 1 leg missing

He'd just got back off Holiday.

I asked him if He'd had a good time

He said He did



But it was the last time He went SELF-CATERING :lol::lol::P




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Just for the record i am most certainly not a Fan of Blairs. He has LOST THE PLOT. :o

But unlike most my biggest hate for Blair is his support of Bush & our Foreign policy's.

Should the "terrorist" acts of others take the lifes of any of my Family there will only one Person i will holding accountable that will be Blair ;)



I agree about that. I have a son in the TA who may be off to Afghanistan in the springtime. What was that song about Springtime in Paradise?


Thanks for your patience in the face of my tirade.

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Just for the record i am most certainly not a Fan of Blairs. He has LOST THE PLOT. :o

But unlike most my biggest hate for Blair is his support of Bush & our Foreign policy's.

Should the "terrorist" acts of others take the lifes of any of my Family there will only one Person i will holding accountable that will be Blair ;)



I agree about that. I have a son in the TA who may be off to Afghanistan in the springtime. What was that song about Springtime in Paradise?


Thanks for your patience in the face of my tirade.


Lets hope he remains safe & unharmed through his working life, & that He & his Family never suffer because of some loon from No10

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