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Small flock of Fieldfare


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very early...sure it wasnt starlings ?



Sorry dont disbelieve you but October is the norm for the Scandinavian thrushes.

Might have been Mistle thrushes they often form small flocks in August and September.


If the Scandinavian thrushes are early is nearly always the sign of a bad winter ahead.


Better get some logs flour and sugar in...( and Beer) :lol:

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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very early...sure it wasnt starlings ?



Sorry dont disbelieve you but October is the norm for the Scandinavian thrushes.

Might have been Mistle thrushes they often form small flocks in August and September.


If the Scandinavian thrushes are early is nearly always the sign of a bad winter ahead.


Better get some logs flour and sugar in...( and Beer) :lol:


First thought was Filedfare but will keep a look out as possibly may of been Mistle Thrushes....definately not Starlings!

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