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  1. House martins have returned to previous nesting location near Dursley. A solitary Swift flew over at height (north easterly) yesterday, and an Osprey flying upriver (Severn,north westerly).
  2. Two singing Nightingales at Highnam woods yesterday, and a calling Cuckoo at Cotswold water parks.
  3. A Dartford Warbler and three Ring Ouzel on Cleeve Hill, Cheltenham,yesterday (1/4/24).
  4. Chiffchaff, black legs. Willow warbler, pink legs.
  5. Must be finding insects above the various bodies of water in the Frampton area, loads of pools,lakes and canals in this vicinity. Another Swallow reported from the FOD yesterday too.
  6. A Swallow, House Martin and c40 Sand Martin at Frampton on Severn yesterday
  7. Gloucester band C £1900, or £190 x 10 months, up 5% on 2023.
  8. Had a flock of 20 Goldfinch visit the sunflower/nyger feeders yesterday
  9. You're welcome, fine looking birds are they not, I used to be a member of a syndicate in the FOD and Hawfinch were always around and about. All the best.
  10. Dipper and Crossbill in this location also
  11. Best time would appear to be 8am to 11am on recent reports, with the birds favouring the higher trees around the cricket pitch. Good luck.
  12. Near daily sightings of 5-8 Hawfinch at Parkend, Forest of Dean (try the Cricket pitch, Crown Lane.)
  13. 41 Waxwing in a flock on Rodborough Common, (Nr Stroud), Gloucestershire yesterday,15/01/24.
  14. Ducks tend to put on more fat than Drakes, this is to prepare for the breeding season and for their migration back to their breeding grounds in North East Europe, ( Teal,Pintail,Wigeon and migrant Mallard ) This tends to happen as the day length increases, and they sense the need to prepare by eating larger quantities of high energy foods (plants and seeds, invertebrates, and agricultural grains). Most hen pheasant carry a lot more fat than cock birds as the season closes as well.
  15. I get the occasional Chaffinch in the garden, but have a regular daily visit from between 5-10 Goldfinch to the sunflower hearts feeder, also a Pied Wagtail dropped in the other day. All the best for the New Year.
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