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I feel that im the main course


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Well i have had 2 outings so far this season.

1st i ended up with a nice large lump on my cheek bone beneath my left eye, which i could feel getting larger and larger while sat in a management meeting the other week....


Today after last nights trip out i have a 2nd head forming on my forehead....and the wife says it is more appealing then my original head.....


Both itch like mad and im using the kids sting/bite cream to take that away....


so is it just me who as become the food of the foreshore and any tips to stop me from getting bitten as i dont normally suffer from this and i am wearing a baraclava while im out and maybe if things dont get any better i be wearing it permanently



Yours the Two Headed Wildfowler :lol:

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And you are the one who is coming to my house Sunday!!, and then we can go and sit in a muddy hole together and wait for it to get dark, won't that be romantic!


We could have a threesome then with our soft skin sat in the ditch.......yummy


I have got some you could borrow, if you come round it's in the draw with the ky! We could look for it together if you like


Well bring it sunday im not going home covered in bites again....at least the bump on my head as now gone down

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