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beggars belief!! and we wonder why the country is skint!


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I don't care who works for the DWP. It has not happened.


If your father genuinely does work for the DWP - he should not be telling you any information - it is a sacking offence - and he really should know that it just doesn't happen.


If you wish to insist that he is on the level - supply us with details. Was it a blank girocheque, ready to insert a payee's name? He / she must have had the accompanying advice note, saying what the purpose was.


It shouldn't be a problem for him to provide the details, as he has already allegedly brought it into the public domain by telling you. Are the rest of us to be privvy to the same tall tale?


The tale used to be that DWP bought TV sets for immigrants. That was junk and so is this.


seconds away round 1 ding ding gordon enters the ring lol

Edited by storme37
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Gordon it does not matter what i say to you as you will always argue the toss you have to look at your previous posts you seem to troll most thread on here your now accusing me or my father of lieing about this when it has been openly reported in the press that it has happened where immigrants have had cars bought for them and stupendous amount paid to private landlords to accomodate large families or benefits immigrants

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I think you will find that the Housing Benefits are administered by the Local Authority, not DWP. I thought your father might have mentioned that.


As for "troll" - you might need to look in a mirror.


For the record - I have no time for illegal immigrants - they break the law the minute they arrive. What I do object to are rash generalisations about immigrants. They inflame others and serve no purpose.

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we can all comment on these matters but the truth is the damage is done these people are here to stay .this is england 2012 and onwards its the land of tax dodgers who own corner shops and when the heat comes on from the fraud investigators they simply jump on a plane back home and the buisness is took over by an other family member and its back to square one.it hurts to think our boys are fighting in places to keep a country like this .what has happened to the land of hope and glory i hear people ask??

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they similar to a bankers draft if i remember rightly i am not a DWP cashier i drive oil rigs for a living


So possibly...just possibly...not a cheque given to somebody so they can buy a car instead of getting a cab, but a sum of money given to somebody who then chooses to spend that money on a car?

Not quite the same thing I would suggest.

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we can all comment on these matters but the truth is the damage is done these people are here to stay .this is england 2012 and onwards its the land of tax dodgers who own corner shops and when the heat comes on from the fraud investigators they simply jump on a plane back home and the buisness is took over by an other family member and its back to square one.it hurts to think our boys are fighting in places to keep a country like this .what has happened to the land of hope and glory i hear people ask??


And millionaire British people have never found accountants that can cheat HMRC out of millions?


No, it is all down to Johnny Foreigner bringing in a bit of dodgy baccy.


Get real man!!!!

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Our own natives are just as bad as this woman, but as said before its all down to votes 2.5million votes are out there for the taking, Governments are not going to do anything drastic against them are they?


I think we shouldn't be blaming all these immigrants for what there doing, its our benefits departments that's the problem, if we had no benefits for immigrants they wouldn't come here. We should have a similar system to Australia only want people that they need and that they have sufficient funds before they arrive so that they can support themselves. And at the same time get our own lazy lot back to work. Also could the UK actually do anything about it before EU laws say we;re infringing on human rights? So a get out of Europe vote is also probably required to get these things sorted out or else we're powerless to do anything.

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I don't normally partake in such threads. BUT had to input on this one.



Imo i don't give a what's name where the person comes from etc etc. If they are work dodging scum bags they need sorting out and there money stopped. Now i travel all over this great country in my job and deal with every race of person as part of it. And i can with out a shadow of a doubt say that 80% of the people i find to be the hardest working, most helpful, most polite people are NOT English. Example i pull into a site 10mins into lunch break. Approach group of workers having there grub, politely inform them.i have a delivery and where would they like it, 9 times out of ten all i get from the English people is the standard point the watch and come.back in 20mins mate bla bla bla. Then low and behold someone will jump up and i have to say normally an eastern European and go out of there way.to get me sorted out. They have a different work ethic to us.


So i guess my point is balls its not just immigrants.


Yes there are some that come here and take the Michael i agree but we are just as bad. How many chavy scum bags with 9 little asbo kids do.we see sat about all day never having worked a day in there life????






Sorry rant over. peace and love my brothers peace and love.

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storme - it isn't about winning - really.


There are many people who come to this country and milk the system. Not for a TV or a car, but millions of pounds. These are widely reported. That doesn't mean that they are all at it, but it is a massive drain on the economy.


There are also millions of illegal immigrants - they are a drain on hospitals, the Police and Prison Service. These are also widely reported.


There are also tax evaders in the UK - big and small, but not all from abroad.


Every now and then - the media comes up with a headline grabber. That is what they do, but they don't seem to follow it through.


Every time they produce the headline - it sparks outrage and threads like this. It needs sorting properly or the country will go bump.

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storme - it isn't about winning - really.


There are many people who come to this country and milk the system. Not for a TV or a car, but millions of pounds. These are widely reported. That doesn't mean that they are all at it, but it is a massive drain on the economy.


There are also millions of illegal immigrants - they are a drain on hospitals, the Police and Prison Service. These are also widely reported.


There are also tax evaders in the UK - big and small, but not all from abroad.


Every now and then - the media comes up with a headline grabber. That is what they do, but they don't seem to follow it through.


Every time they produce the headline - it sparks outrage and threads like this. It needs sorting properly or the country will go bump.


thats exactly what i was getting at!! some poor sod got killed by an immigrant driving the wrong way on the motorway just the other day but he wont be deported for it more like a few years in one of her majesties secure spa resorts and then they will let him stay in the country

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and in the same vein all the payouts we give to the likes of india and pakistan to aid poverty! yes there are people in both countries who are up number 2 creek with no paddle and thats due to the way the countries are ran india has a space program!! the uk cant afford one of those? maybe they should be sending us aid?

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