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Reloading and religion, in an off topic sense.

henry d

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I dont believe in non of it we're born we die we're worm food but if you want to believe thats your choice it a free country

as for the bible

adam and eve (the only humans on earth) they had 2 sons kane and able.

Kane killed able and was banished from the garden of eden. Nope, the banishment was Adam and Eve.

After a length of time he returned with his wife.

where did she come from? That was covered in another topic

who married them?

is it a case of women werent important during this time so not mentioned if this is the case he married his sister?


The reason I started the topic is due to the lack of knowledge of those who think they know about the bible/religion and still spout out the same old ill formed ideas either of their own or things they have heard and take as knowledge but is absolute rubbish, sorry if it sounds harsh, but that is the way it is.

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The reason I started the topic is due to the lack of knowledge of those who think they know about the bible/religion and still spout out the same old ill formed ideas either of their own or things they have heard and take as knowledge but is absolute rubbish, sorry if it sounds harsh, but that is the way it is.


the point is he was exiled somewhere and married his sister

the bible contradicts its self over and over again

if you wish to believe thats your choice

muslims become suicide bombers as they believe they will go to a better place with a thousand or so virgins


yeah ok

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the point is he was exiled somewhere and married his sister

the bible contradicts its self over and over again

if you wish to believe thats your choice

muslims become suicide bombers as they believe they will go to a better place with a thousand or so virgins


yeah ok


Only 72 but hey, who the chuff would want 72 virgins to deal with! It was bad enough with one when I was a young chap!


72 rampant 30/40 somethings...... now we're talking!

Edited by Vipa
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the point is he was exiled somewhere and married his sister

the bible contradicts its self over and over again

if you wish to believe thats your choice

muslims become suicide bombers as they believe they will go to a better place with a thousand or so virgins


yeah ok


Actually suicide bombers are taking a big gamble, I don't know if the Quran allows gambling but suspect not, but am reliably informed that whilst martyrdom Is promised as a result of dying in conflict against gods enemies, suicide promises eternal hell. Doubt suicide bombers were considered at the time.



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The reason I started the topic is due to the lack of knowledge of those who think they know about the bible/religion and still spout out the same old ill formed ideas either of their own or things they have heard and take as knowledge but is absolute rubbish, sorry if it sounds harsh, but that is the way it is.


It does'nt sound harsh It sounds like the rambling's of a grown man talking ######## about some mythical garbage that clearly most people could'nt give a monkey's about !

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The reason I started the topic is due to the lack of knowledge of those who think they know about the bible/religion and still spout out the same old ill formed ideas either of their own or things they have heard and take as knowledge but is absolute rubbish, sorry if it sounds harsh, but that is the way it is.


Point proven or, to coin the phrase of a regular poster on here, job jobbed.


QED, nothing more to see here and all that. Did you think it would be that easy though?

Edited by Raja Clavata
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christmas is coming hope i get some nice pressies :good: and dont forget the holy spirit :drinks::beer::yay:


I think Christmas became 'something else' along time ago... don't forget, the celebration was actually a pagen festival throughout Europe long before anyone heard of good ol' JC and was more than likely a celebration of the nights becoming lighter and looking forward to spring...

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we could take it to another level ? could i ask you henry . who many months are in a year ?

i do know what i am talking about ,just a simply question ,how many mouths in a year ,??

missed that one ,well your wrong you have one more chance ,how many mouths in a year ?


Mouths or months?

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The reason I started the topic is due to the lack of knowledge of those who think they know about the bible/religion and still spout out the same old ill formed ideas either of their own or things they have heard and take as knowledge but is absolute rubbish, sorry if it sounds harsh, but that is the way it is.

You're beginning to sound a mite arrogant now henry.You gain your knowledge second hand,just like the rest of us;unless you're going to tell us you were there of course!You regard any ideas or knowledge contrary to your own as 'ill formed' or 'absolute rubbish'.Your knowledge regarding the 'bible/religion' comes from reading,and not personal experience.

I may be regarded as pig-ignorant regarding matters of religion or the bible,but I really don't care.When I was little I believed in many things,including Santa and the Tooth Fairy,and indeed God.Gaining knowledge through the experience of growing older,coupled with common sense,has taught me that none of these things actually exist.I don't need to read about things such as these to know they are fantasy.

Reading about reloading and reading about religion don't equate to the same result;the former is knowledge passed from one experienced in reloading, to another, to achieve a tried and proven result.The same cannot be said about the latter.

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ok then




there is 13 lunar MONTHS in a an earths cyclic ,this is used in farming and the tides, there are 13 full moons in a year , nature goes by this ,

it was only when religion came about that they changed it and the maths don't add up so we have a leap year to make up the dates,there is also a blue moon ,this is where we have 2 full moons in a month ,the same as when most women have the monthly's about every 28 days ,

like have said before i have no problem with religion ,i just go with the truth ,i was brought up C OF E and my sister is catholic and ive studied paganism

but when the penny finely dropped i found that the only one that can help is "yourself "


You're beginning to sound a mite arrogant now henry.You gain your knowledge second hand,just like the rest of us;unless you're going to tell us you were there of course!You regard any ideas or knowledge contrary to your own as 'ill formed' or 'absolute rubbish'.Your knowledge regarding the 'bible/religion' comes from reading,and not personal experience.

I may be regarded as pig-ignorant regarding matters of religion or the bible,but I really don't care.When I was little I believed in many things,including Santa and the Tooth Fairy,and indeed God.Gaining knowledge through the experience of growing older,coupled with common sense,has taught me that none of these things actually exist.I don't need to read about things such as these to know they are fantasy.

Reading about reloading and reading about religion don't equate to the same result;the former is knowledge passed from one experienced in reloading, to another, to achieve a tried and proven result.The same cannot be said about the latter.

well said that man :good:
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You're not arguing about God, You're arguing about religion. Why does the concept of an intelligent creator have to stand or fall solely on the evidence of scripture?

Believers search for evidence of God's existence in books written by men and science searches the same books for factual errors in the understanding of physics and geolological time to prove that he does not. Is that as far as anyone has got? Its like two children caught sqabbling and both blaming the other for starting it.

All religious texts are surely less the word of God than manifestos of sectarian claims to his special favour. They are political pamphlets all of them.

And why should the truth of evolution and natural selection automatically negate any possibility of intelligent design. The evidence points to quite the reverse. The laws of the universe are highly intelligent, beautifully so, but implacable. Nothing escapes them, nothing breaks them, nothing exists without them. Philosophers and theologians have wasted thousands of years mythologising the truth contained in the collision of particles. And science seems intent on wasting the next thousand doing the same from the opposite direction. And since all particulate matter is essentially energy and energy cannot be extinguished only reflected, deflected, absorbed or repelled it is an inescapable thruth that each irreducible particle of which we and everything else in the universe is made lasts forever. We really are immortal.

Can't see what all the song and dance is about. But what do I know.

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