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A few clays & a Thank You!


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As some of you will know I have been a bit down and worried about my hip over the week-end. With that on my mind and the pain I was experiencing I hadn't had a gun out for a good few days so I decided to "think positive" and go out this evening to try breaking a few clays. (This wouldn't have been possible unless the painkillers had kicked in, which they had thank goodness)

Unfortunately it was a bit misty and I did not have the camcorder set quite high enough to show the clays breaking but I did hit most of them with the first shot. A few took two shots and I did completely miss just a couple, but on the whole I was happy.

At the end of the video there is a personal message for all of you that offered advice and encouragement.

Thanks guys, it means a lot to me!


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That's exactly what I was wondering too, but I didn't like to ask! :lol:


p.s. Thanks for the words of encouragement guys!


Yes I see where I went wrong there! She used to be a good shot with my old hw35 mind! :lol: When she had the op though I was truely amazed at how quick she was up and about again! All the best!

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