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Game shooting gripes

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Honestly, I have never heard so much drivel in all my life in parts of this thread. For heaven's sake it is actually OK to like shooting, and dare I say be a valuable member of the shooting community, and not have (or indeed want) a flipping dog.

To be honest I wasn't having a pop at anyone who doesn't have,or doesn't want a dog.On our beat one/stand one,even those without dogs take their turn beating;that's why it's called beat one/stand one.I was merely pointing out that those of us with dogs can end up doing all the leg work when it comes to retrieving pricked or lost birds...but that's why I have a dog,and it's my choice,but I can still see where the OP is coming from.Best mate doesn't have a dog as he's a rep',and hardly at home,and though he'll search for birds,he hasn't got a dogs nose,so is apt to lose interset before the rest of us.

The age of some of those on our shoot means they fall over under recoil;a dog to look after is the last thing they need!Some of the beaters who come regularly don't want to shoot,and their dogs aren't trained,but any dog will search out and flush birds(it's a doggy thing!) so they are more than welcome;one GP just sees the Saturday as an extended dog walk,but his lab' will return a dead bird to him(eventually)so he's more than welcome also.None of them are paid;they simply enjoy the day.

The dog which runs flat out from one end of the drive to the other,is called Pete, and can often be seen on a totally different drive to the rest of us looking for its owner,also called Pete,which causes no end of confusion,but as son says,they're easy to tell apart as only one of them carps in the house!

I can see both sides of this point,but it's not something I would fall out with anyone about.Just enjoy the day.

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To be honest I wasn't having a pop at anyone who doesn't have,or doesn't want a dog.On our beat one/stand one,even those without dogs take their turn beating;that's why it's called beat one/stand one.I was merely pointing out that those of us with dogs can end up doing all the leg work when it comes to retrieving pricked or lost birds...but that's why I have a dog,and it's my choice,but I can still see where the OP is coming from.Best mate doesn't have a dog as he's a rep',and hardly at home,and though he'll search for birds,he hasn't got a dogs nose,so is apt to lose interset before the rest of us.

The age of some of those on our shoot means they fall over under recoil;a dog to look after is the last thing they need!Some of the beaters who come regularly don't want to shoot,and their dogs aren't trained,but any dog will search out and flush birds(it's a doggy thing!) so they are more than welcome;one GP just sees the Saturday as an extended dog walk,but his lab' will return a dead bird to him(eventually)so he's more than welcome also.None of them are paid;they simply enjoy the day.

The dog which runs flat out from one end of the drive to the other,is called Pete, and can often be seen on a totally different drive to the rest of us looking for its owner,also called Pete,which causes no end of confusion,but as son says,they're easy to tell apart as only one of them carps in the house!

I can see both sides of this point,but it's not something I would fall out with anyone about.Just enjoy the day.


I like the sound of your shoot :good:

very similar to the one I was on yesterday and I had a great day

Edited by paddywack12
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Honestly, I have never heard so much drivel in all my life in parts of this thread. For heaven's sake it is actually OK to like shooting, and dare I say be a valuable member of the shooting community, and not have (or indeed want) a flipping dog.


Well said !!! :)

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