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Feeding Ferrets


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hi all im looking to get some ferrets in the next couple of weeks. I went on a BASC ferreting day and am know quite keen on the idea. But i was wondering with the every day feeding of ferrets, what do people feed them? i herd of people who only feed them meat. but i may not be able to get daily meat for them. Is there dry food adverbial and what are the difference's.


Question number 2 before taking ferrets out some people say feed the bread milk and sugar, is this advisory? :hmm: why?



Any help would be much appreciated :yes:



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I used to feed mine on dried food during warmer weather, I found that if I just fed them on meat and they dIdn't eat it all straight away, or they decided to store some in their bedding for later it just attracted flies and starts to smell.


During the colder months I fed them meat backed up with some biscuits, Just make sure if feeding dried food that they always have a good supply of water.


As for the bread and milk don't bother, it gives them Diaroehha as they cannot digest it, Sugar should never be given to Ferrets as it can Kill them.


Hope this helps.

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Carcass fed is best but it entails a lot of cleaning out as they hoard it then it rots if left. I used the James webeloved ferret dry food for about the last five or six years of keeping ferrets over a period of well over 3 decades of carcass feeding and would go the dry feed route without hesitation- just watch the water is always fresh and available

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Same again I feed all mine on either dry (30+% protein ) during the summer so there is less chance of getting fly strike !! With a rabbit or pigeon every week or so remember to take it out next day !! And during the winter they get more rabbit etc and less dry food but as has already been said PLENTY of fresh water every day .....

And as for bread and milk before you work them that's just a old wifes tale the idea is if they ate before working they won't be hungry and have less chance of "killing in" but to be honest I think they have more chance of going to sleep in a warm hole ??!!??

Good luck


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I feed mine a mix of biscuit and meat.... Normally minced meet as I find that they don't store this away as much. Also they seem to love an egg or 2!! Quite amusing watching them try to get into it!! As for the bread, milk and sugar I've never fed it to them.... I read somewhere that they are lactose intolerrant but may be wrong??

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i use dryed cat food but soak it over night if you look on the side of the bag it will tell you the contents eg 30 percent protein its a lot cheaper than the well know ferret feeds available and its got all the same things in it as ferret complars now eete you can get all different flavers i have fed my ferrets on it for over 20 years and they love it

Edited by umney531
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Yes they eat the lot and as mad1 say the feathers end up in their nest box. It saves any waste feeding them like this any ferals or woodies go in the pen. I have a few good friends who keep me in good supply. If you no anyone who flys racing pigeons you may be able to get some off them when they have a sort out.

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I feed mine rabbit meat with all the red offal and Chudleys biscuits. They're in a court and I don't feed whole carcases unless very small because they drag them about and get them wet and dirty and waste them. Stripped meat and offal they stash and eat. If a carcase is small enough to be pulled into a sleeping box it will all go nexcept the pelt, but they give up on large ones left outside. In hot weather I boil down carcases and strip the meat. Sounds fussy but they love it and they always eat it all. The odd bit that gets lost just dries up and doesn't smell. I occasionally give fish trimmings like salmon skin which they seem to like and is good for them now and again.

Mine aren't fussed about feathered food and I've tried giving them the bullet damage trimmings from deer carcases but they won't touch venison.

In the autumn they are growing their winter coats and putting on body fat so they eat more food.

Water is from bottle drinkers which are never allowed to run dry or go green.

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