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Buying a dog from France


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Hi All,


My quest to buy a Portuguese Pointer as now moved to France, they do have a huge fancy for this type of dog.


The problem is that I don't speak french at all, and I need to contact a breeder that I know as very good dogs, do you or if anyone knows a fluent french speaking person, that could help me make first contact with the breeder?




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the other thing is you'd need to wait till it had had its vaccinations Rabies Jab and passport etc are sorted. I think its quicker now than it used to be but still puts a delay you would probably need to pay the breeder to sort out and keep the puppy longer

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My sister is fluent in French and may be able to help - she could translate an email for you or similar but she is moving to edinburgh tomorrow so that may be all she can do.

Ty Oscardad for the offer...that my usual luck, the problem its not so much the writing, but the first aproach to the breeder, they old style people, don't use much the net.



I would be worried if you do not speak french, the dog will never understand you,,,,,,,,

I'll buy him one of those collars with the translator...lol

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the other thing is you'd need to wait till it had had its vaccinations Rabies Jab and passport etc are sorted. I think its quicker now than it used to be but still puts a delay you would probably need to pay the breeder to sort out and keep the puppy longer


Hi Al4x,

Thats not a big issue, I have studied and researched the laws for importing a dog via the Defra website, the Uk laws have now relaxed a lot and made it much easier, what is needed, like you said:

Pet Passport


Rabies vaccination 21 days prior departure

Tapeworm vaccination 2-5 days prior departure

Health and fitness to travel certificate 2-5 days prior departure

And to use the transport methods and routes listed on Defra site

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You aren't meant to give a rabies jab before 12 weeks and most then give a 2nd 2 weeks after that. There is a slight issue of giving the dog the standard jabs as well that mean its better not to do them all at the same time so your timeframe does start creeping. Its no real big deal but just increases the cost to the breeder.

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Just get a cocker spaniel and get it in time for it to flush all of the snipe and woodcock you promise in December!


Dear Jdog,


I do love the look and the flushing of the spaniels, but I'm addicted to pointer dogs, HPR to be specific, it as been a passion since I was little, I do get invited on rough days often and to see a dog working and point its an addiction.


About what you describe as my Promise....lol...I really hope we will all have a great day, but we need some cold weather...fingers crossed

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