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morning flight


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My favourite bit of flood water filled up this week so I was keeping an eye on it for yesterday morning. Quite a few mallard and teal were on it on thursday and friday, it was looking good. I checked the forecast which said SSW wind 4-5 which was perfect.

At 6.00 am quite a few birds got up on my arrival which set the blood pressure up a bit. I headed to my favoured spot where there is plenty cover among dry stone walls and threw out half a dozen mallard decoys, made the gun ready and poured a cup of coffee.

Sitting with the wind and decoys at my back I had not been aware of any birds moving until i looked arround at the decoys and found to my surprise six mallard right in the middle of my six fake mallard 15 yards away. What to do? I knew that if i put them up they would head straight away from me and I wouldnt get a shot for the the house (you can see in the photo). I thought the best chance would be to get the dog to jump over the wall and put them up that way they might circle round for a look once in the air. It worked a treat, the birds got up, headed straight for the house, started to circle back over just a little too wide but one broke off and came over me which dropped to my shot. After my shot there was 30 odd mallard in the air, most dissapeared but one group of about 10 circled over me and I mannaged a shot which brought down the leading bird from a good height. After a bit of a wait one mallard came past. He was a long way out but turned to a couple of loud hail calls (a bit yankee I know) and came over for a look, some low feeding calls for some reassurance and she came in perfect and dropped to the shot.

With a small job to go to and the flight drying up i was happy enough with my 3 mallard and headed home.


Three mallard a happy dog and an unlucky rabbit that came out of the wall just along side me.



Edited by aister
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really nice photo and write up thanks for sharing with us ,reminds me of when i travelled up to north uist ,quite a few years back !

a mate and i drove there in a landrover ninety with caravan in tow to stop with friends for a spot of rabbiting with the running dogs,things you do in your youngerdays ha ha wouldnt change it though great experiance beutiful land and lots of bunnies.

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