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AA Decoys Turbo Flapper or a Rotary?


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Hi, I was thinking about buying a rotary from AA decoys but having looked at their turbo flapper and read all the good comments about them I'm now undicided as to which to go for as I can't afford both. So my question is which works best at drawing the pigeons in, a rotary or a turbo flapper? My friends all use rotarys to great affect but what's put me off them so far is all the extra weight and bulk to carry, something you don't have with the flapper.

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Hi sitsinhedges, yes I had that thought about needing a dead bird on it before you can use it as being the only downside, I guess the answer is to keep a few dead birds in the freezer, not sure how it would go down with 'her in doors' though! Is having just the one flapper in the pattern as affective as having a rotary and where abouts in the pattern do you place it?

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Hi sitsinhedges, yes I had that thought about needing a dead bird on it before you can use it as being the only downside, I guess the answer is to keep a few dead birds in the freezer, not sure how it would go down with 'her in doors' though! Is having just the one flapper in the pattern as affective as having a rotary and where abouts in the pattern do you place it?


Who can say, on the right day probably not but it's as much kit as I'm prepared to carry over a distance. If the birds want to come in the turboflapper is just a mate waving isn't it. If you get some sport you'll be glad you don't have a magnet to haul back to the van along with a sackful of birds.


I put the flapper forward of the pattern so the birds don't have to overfly it. I've always found magnets far more variable though they do have their moments and you are glad to have one of them out too sometimes.


Who knows ???

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I would buy a rotary first and a flapper later.

That's what i would do, too. I use my magnets more than my flappers, and i would say i have a much higher success rate with the magnets. I believe magnets are far better at attracting a pigeon's attention.

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i love using the the turbo flapper, small battery, actual machine very light, and its works but i still would go the rotary given a choice and always will do, i have lost count the amount of times the rotary has me made a bag when everything else fails

only last weekend birds would not look at decoys or even come near with the flapper out took me 30 mins to shoot 1 bird , so trudged back to the car to get the rotary i set it up and the next hour i had 20 down ok not a massive bag but if i didn,t have it with me i would of really struggled

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