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Child benefit joke


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Just had the HMRC letter through about the child benefit - what an absolute joke!!! In basic terms if you earn over a certain amount you get child benefit but then are taxed the same amount on it!


But if you decide to not work and pop out kids one after the other or earn a lower amount (and therefore pay less tax) you are eligible for the child benefit....



So basically it's a reward for mediocre or non achievement...


Why should someone who pays less into the system get more out of it based on how many kids they have???


Total joke of a system!






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The OP, all I see in that post is if no person earns as well as him he looks down on them or shouldnt be entitled to anything. I can understand about the ones pumping out loads of kids for benefits but to say that cause I dont earn as much as him doesnt mean I dont work as hard ****** me right off. Just selfish and ignorant.


Did i say I was in that bracket??? NO! Therefore you should think before posting nugget... ;)


I just think its unfair that the harder working should get less that the people who sit on their backsides doing jack!


And where did I mention work level in comparison to pay level?? Another assumption? ...thought so! :rolleyes:


Quite clearly you have a potato field on your shoulder...:yes:

Edited by gixer1
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The OP, all I see in that post is if no person earns as well as him he looks down on them or shouldnt be entitled to anything. I can understand about the ones pumping out loads of kids for benefits but to say that cause I dont earn as much as him doesnt mean I dont work as hard ****** me right off. Just selfish and ignorant.


Well I think your missing the whole point.

The point is that people can, and do, pump out huge numbers of kids to work the system. They get everything they need, house, enough money, no hassle of work, everything paid for.

Whereas those who do what they can to earn a living get no help, no money, and aren't entitled to anything because they try to work. It should be that you get rewarded for working, not penalized. The system is back to front.

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Just had the HMRC letter through about the child benefit - what an absolute joke!!! In basic terms if you earn over a certain amount you get child benefit but then are taxed the same amount on it!


But if you decide to not work and pop out kids one after the other or earn a lower amount (and therefore pay less tax) you are eligible for the child benefit....



So basically it's a reward for mediocre or non achievement...


Why should someone who pays less into the system get more out of it based on how many kids they have???


Total joke of a system!







Yes a bit of a strange one similar to me having to pay for my daughter to go to uni while in Scotland its free , and then there are prescription charges too !!!

I guess you guys up in Scotland are getting much more than your "paying in" and I dont hear any complaints.

Having said that I agree the present family allowance rules are a joke.

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Yes a bit of a strange one similar to me having to pay for my daughter to go to uni while in Scotland its free , and then there are prescription charges too !!!

I guess you guys up in Scotland are getting much more than your "paying in" and I dont hear any complaints.

Having said that I agree the present family allowance rules are a joke.

gixer must be one of the 12% of scottish people who are net contributors

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Just had the HMRC letter through about the child benefit - what an absolute joke!!! In basic terms if you earn over a certain amount you get child benefit but then are taxed the same amount on it!


But if you decide to not work and pop out kids one after the other or earn a lower amount (and therefore pay less tax) you are eligible for the child benefit....



So basically it's a reward for mediocre or non achievement...


Why should someone who pays less into the system get more out of it based on how many kids they have???


Total joke of a system!







same here mate,apparently,i earn too much!!!!!!!!! im over the threshold,

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Yes a bit of a strange one similar to me having to pay for my daughter to go to uni while in Scotland its free , and then there are prescription charges too !!!

I guess you guys up in Scotland are getting much more than your "paying in" and I dont hear any complaints.

Having said that I agree the present family allowance rules are a joke.


In all fairness I haven't been here all my life (father from northants and mother from Derry n'orn Ireland) so I feel I am in a good position to complain.


Although I will say I don't believe there are many working Scottish people receiving more than they pay in - you are deluded if you believe this - the drain on the British system are the people who have paid nothing in through choice yet have claimed benefits.




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Child benefit? I assume you mean tax credit? What's that then?


Oh yeah, we got that about 10 years ago! The Benefits office then decided we'd been overpaid and stopped us any futher benefits for 2 years....then apparently we received another bulk payment of £5k. We didn't. We have to prove that we didn't receive it rather than them showing we did. They can't even tell us which account it was paid into! Odd that!! Net result, in the last 10 years we have seen less than £1000 for 3 kids. 10 years worth is something in the region of £15000


...and people want to have a pop at me for pocketing a couple of cash jobs! They can take a running jump with that idea! Charity begins at home nowadays as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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Child benefit? I assume you mean tax credit? What's that then?


Oh yeah, we got that about 10 years ago! The Benefits office then decided we'd been overpaid and stopped us any futher benefits for 2 years....then apparently we received another bulk payment of £5k. We didn't. We have to prove that we didn't receive it rather than them showing we did. They can't even tell us which account it was paid into! Odd that!! Net result, in the last 10 years we have seen less than £1000 for 3 kids. 10 years worth is something in the region of £15000


...and people want to have a pop at me for pocketing a couple of cash jobs! They can take a running jump with that idea! Charity begins at home nowadays as far as I'm concerned.


I think you are confusing child benefit with child tax credit. Child benefit is paid direct to your wife/partner. They wouldn't have stopped it for overpayment of tax credit.

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I think you are confusing child benefit with child tax credit. Child benefit is paid direct to your wife/partner. They wouldn't have stopped it for overpayment of tax credit.


Indeed, child benefit (£25/week per child) is paid to everyone regardless of earnings. Child tax credit is what I refer to (as stated in my first line) and THINK the OP is also referring to.


Edit: Just reread Gixer's OP and I'm still not 100%, but, I am referring to tax credits.

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